Cards (22)

  • Research problems
    • Formulate research problems that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • A good research problem is usually based on unknown information about the topic
  • The relevance of the research describes the reasons or justifications for the conduct of the study
  • Studies always start with a problem to solve
  • Consider the constraints or limitations, such as time and budget, when refining the research problem
  • Unit 3: Formulating a Research Problem
    1. Identifying a Qualitative Research Problem
    2. Developing a working title based on the research problem
    3. Justifying the relevance of the research problem
  • Narrowing down a general or broad topic

    With the research problem in mind, consider if you can solve the research gap and how to fill it
  • Read available source materials about your topic to identify what is already known and what is still unknown about your topic
  • Research Title
    Answer questions to guide in writing a working study title: What type of research will it use? What is the study all about? Who is involved in the research? Where will the study happen?
  • A good research problem has clear scientific, social, and practical relevance
  • Activity
    1. Think of a general topic that interests you the most
    2. Make a list of three specific areas of knowledge from your topic of interest
    3. Write a working title for your research based on the chosen specific area of knowledge
  • Qualitative research deals with understanding, describing, and drawing out meaning from nonnumerical information
  • The research title describes what the research is about and is based on the statement of the research problem
  • Qualitative Research Problems
    • Styles of conflict management in start-up businesses
    • Use of instant online loans among different age groups
    • Disaster management in key cities
    • Vaccination confidence across generations
    • Creation theories in Asian countries
    • Identity politics of the urban poor
  • Qualitative Research Problem
    The nature of answering it is on making meanings from nonnumerical information
  • Research Title
    Answer questions to guide in writing a working study title: What type of research will it use? What is the study all about? Who is involved in the research? Where will the study happen?
  • The research problem is the centralbasis for the other parts of theresearch.
  • The research process starts withidentifying a broad topic of interestand narrowing it down to a morespecific topic.
  • Qualitative research deals withunderstanding, describing, anddrawing out meaning fromnonnumerical information.
  • The research title describes what the research is about and is based on the statement of the research problem.
  • The relevance of the research describes the importance and justification for conducting the research.