a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
define fitness
a persons capacity to carry out lifesactivities without getting too tired. it is used as a measure of the bodys ability to functionefficiently and effectively
define well being
refers to a feeling or mentalstate of being contented, happy, prosperous and healthy
define balanced diet
contains all the nutrients you need and in the correct amounts - a balance between energy output and energy input
definesedentary lifestyle
a lifestyle that is inactive and involves sittingdowntoomuch.
e.g. if you work in an office at a desk all day then go home and sit in front of the tv
define participation rates
refers to the number of people within a group who are involved in sportcompared with those who are not
define sport england
an organisation that tries to help communities develop sportinghabitats for life, funding other organisations and projects to get peopleinvolved in sport and help those who wish to pursuesport to the highestlevel
define commercialisation
the influence of commerce, trade or buissness or and industry (eg sport) to make a profit. (exchange of goods or services for money)
name 5 benefits of a healthy lifestyle
avoiding ilness and injury
being social (prevent isolation)
be able to carry out day to day activities without fatiguing
to be able to carry out work (not call sick days)
feeling good about yourself (a good sense of self esteem/worth)
name 5 benefits of a active lifestyle on well being
keeps heart muscles healthy (a more efficentpump)
increases blood flow (reduces risk of coronaryhearydisease)
reduces blood pressure (risk of strokes)
relives stress (makes us feel better)
promotes a feeling of well being that has social, mental and physical benefits