Sequence: executed one after the other, in order presented
Branching (Selection): decision made based on state of a boolean expression
Iteration: repetition - count controlled and condition controlled loops
programming construct in which a subroutine calls itself during its execution
continues until a certain condition - called the stopping condition - is met, at which point the recursion stops
Advantages and Disadvantages of Recursion
represented in fewer lines of code, which makes them less prone to errors
inefficient use of memory
If the subroutine calls itself too many times, there is a danger of a stack overflow, which is when the call stack runs out of memory. This would cause the program to crash.
difficult to trace, especially with more and more function calls
Global and Local Variables
Variables can be defined with either global or local scope.
Scope refers to the section of code in which the variable is available
Local Variables
Limited scope
only be accessed within the block of code in which they were defined
If a local variable is defined within a subroutine, it can only be accessed within that subroutine
multiple local variables with the same name can exist in different subroutines and will remain unaffected by each other
better for memory - deleted when program completed
Global Variables
accessed across the whole program
useful for values that need to be used by multiple parts of the program
using global variables is not recommended because they can be unintentionally overwritten and edited
not deleted until the program terminates
require more memory than local variables which are deleted once the subroutine has been completed
Modular Programming
programming technique used to split large, complex programs into smaller, self-contained modules.
making a problem easier to understand and approach
modular design makes it easier to divide tasks between a team and manage, each component can be dealt with individually
improves the reusability of components, as once a module has been tested, it can be reused with confidence
Top-down approach
problem is continually broken down into sub-problems, until each can be represented as an individual, self-contained blackbox which performs a certain task
Top-down approach also known as stepwise refinement
These modules form blocks of code called subroutines, categorised as either functions or procedures
each named blocks of code perform a task
Procedures do not have to return a value
Functions must always return values
Values passed into a function
Parameter Passing by Value:
treated as a local variable
a copy of the value is passed to the subroutine and discarded at the end
Parameter Passing by Reference
address of the parameter is given to the subroutine
so the value of the parameter will be updated at the given address
Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
a program which provides a set of tools to make it easier for programmers to write, develop and debug code
e.g IDLE and Microsoft Visual Studio
Features of an IDE
Source code editor
Variable Watch
Debugging tools
Source code editor
autocompletion of words, indentation, syntax highlighting and automatic bracket completion
making the coding process easier
allows you to monitor the effect of each individual line of code by executing a single line at a time
Variable Inspection, Watches, Watchpoints
Allows programmers to inspect the value of variables while debugging
If there are particular variables you want to keep an eye on, you can set a variablewatch which keeps programmer updated on their values
Watchpoint which pauses execution when variable reaches certain value
users to set a point in the program at which the program will stop to let programmer try and detect where and why errors are occurring
Debugging tools
run-time detection of errors with a guide as to where in the code they are likely to have occurred through line numbers and highlighting
Refactoring tools
process of improving code without changing its functionality
Stack inspection
every time subroutine is called, current state of program put onto a stack
allows programmer to see chain of subroutines which have been called
A class is a template for an object
defines the state and behaviour of an object
Define state of the object
Gives an object properties
Defines behaviour of the object
Describes actions it can perform
a process where classes can be used to create objects
An object is an instance of a class
a class can be used to create multiple objects with same set of attributes and methods
attributes are declared as private so can only be altered by public methods
implements the principle of information hiding
protects data from being accidentally edited
a concept in programming that allows objects to take on different forms or behaviours.
Different objects can share the same name or behaviour but can work in different ways
It helps make code more flexible, reusable, and easier to maintain
Sub class inherits from parent class
Creating a Constructor
public procedure new(pAttribute1, pAttribute2, pAttribute3)
Modular Programming:
the breaking down of a program into subroutines
helps with readability and maintainability of the code