Forensic psychology

Subdecks (5)

Cards (141)

  • Defining and measuring crime - overall points
    defining crime, problems in defining crime, ways of measuring crime, the politics of measuring crime, the multidisciplinary approach
  • The Bottom-Up approach - overall points
    What, SSA, geographical profiling, investigative psychology, Canter’s Circle Theory, evaluation
  • The Top-Down approach - overall points
    What, 7-stage process, constructing an FBI profile, type of offender, evaluation
  • Psychodynamic explanations to criminality - overall points
    The inadequate superego, maternal deprivation theory, affectionless psychopathy, evaluation
  • cognitive explanations to criminality - overall points
    levels of moral reasoning, Heinz Dilemma, Heinz study, pyramid, cognitive distortions, evaluation
  • differential association theory - overall points
    what, crime as a learned behaviour, pro-criminal attitudes, mathematical prediction, reoffending due to socialisation, evaluation
  • Eysenck‘s theory - overall points 

    general personality theory, measuring the criminal personality, biological basis, the criminal personality, the role of socialisation, evaluation
  • restorative justice - overall points
    what, historical context, the process and variations, restorative justice council, evaluation
  • behavioural modification - overall points
    behaviourist principles, token economy systems, changing behaviour, research example, evaluation
  • anger management - overall points
    cognitive behaviour treatment, stages, research example, evaluation
  • custodial sentencing - overall points
    the aims, psychological effects of custodial sentencing, problems of recidivism, evaluation