-is a spending one's judgement and conclusion about a matter and mentally exploring the pros and cons the characteristics and the purpose of an idea or situation.
metaphysics is to enlighten us in terms of what we identify as real.
Reality in Metaphysics as "true reality"
metaphysics is the fundamental source and basis of all reality in the world and existence.
metaphysics assumes that the reality we see with our eyes is just a temporary cover of the true reality
Thales, a greek thinker, claims that everything is water.
Thales - believe that the principal beyond all existent and reality could be best explained by the analogyofwater.
Water for thales is the fundamental shape and movement of all things in the universe
Water for thales is the fundamental shape and movement of all things in the universe
plato, socrates most famous student, a metaphysician who drew the sharpest possible contrast and division between reality and appearance.
According to plato, nothing we experience in the physical world with our five senses is real.
Plato, called the truth as consisted in ideas and forms, also referred as the universals or absolutes; and such we consider when discussing moral, mathematical, and scientificideas.
Plato says that the soulisanidea. Souls exist in kosmosnoetos: the worldofideas.
Plato's "Allegory of the Cave" distinguishes between appearance and reality.
For plato, there are two worlds: the world of appearance and the real world.
Plato argued that opinion is the lowest realm of knowlede
In the illusion in the cave, the person who can reach the highest level of knowledge is a prisonerwhowasafreed.
For Bertran Russel (2004), the world of appearance is not completely false. This world is based on our senses: sight, touch, taste, smell and so on (hear)
ethics is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates the morality and virtue of human actions.
Ethicists appeal to logical arguments to justifyclaims and positions involving morality
Ethics has five main positions:
Natural Law or Divine Command, Teleological theory, Deontological Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Relativism.
Natural Law or divine Command - a strong sense of individualism does not exist but rather the collective is emphasized.
Natural Law or DivineCommand - The actions and moral reasoning of stteresaofcalcutta and saintlorenzoruiz are examples of this theory
Teleologicaltheory - Consequences of one's action
DeontologicalEthics - Immanuel Kant, author of this theory.
DeontologicalEthics - Bound to duty and does not focus on what a person think or feels about that situation.
Virtueethics - ignored the consequences, duties and contracts instead, it focuses on characterdevelopment.
Virtueethics - socrates, plato and aristotle are proponents of this theory.
Relativism - ethical pluralism affirm culturaldiversity and respect differences among individuals and groups.
teleological theory - stoics, epicureans, and jeremybentham are proponents of this theory.
for socrates, to be happy, a person must concentrate on the goodness of the soul.
For socrates, knowledge means virtue, the greek word arete which we translate as virtue.
William Edward Burghardt Du Bois - african american, sought equal rights for blacks.
Understand Hegel's dialectic.
thesis (white oppresion) - main argument
antithesis (black soul) - negation argument
synthesis (black's consciousness freedom) - tension between the two and combination of thesis and antithesis
epistemology - deals with nature sources limitations and validity of knowledge.
Epistemological questions are basic to how we explain philosophical inquiries for instance moral values
Human knowledge in two parts:Induction and Deduction