
Cards (20)

  • camera technique?
    -single camera
    -medium close-ups
    -direct address
    -filmed by vlogger themselves
  • lighting?
    -lights have become easily available and cheap online, so many bloggers use them (eg. soft box & ring lights)
    ->focuses audience on vlogger themselves & makes the shots look more professional
    -prominent in Zoella's videos
  • vlogging on phones

    -handheld 'shaky' effect
    -> more personal and intimate, and adds to the amateur nature of her videos that she uses to make audiences feel as though they are seeing the 'real' Zoella
    -seen in xmas eve eve vlog in the car, heightened by the fact that she is not wearing make up
  • how does she engage audiences in her videos?
    -she gives them a chance to interact, eg. through subscribing, commenting and liking her videos
    ->builds parasocial relationship and makes audiences feel more engaged since they believe their opinions are valued
    -in 'WIMTB' she asks for audience's 'long haul flight staples'
    -can leave comments on her website
  • importance of her collabs?
    -helps create an impression of popularity and success
    -they can share content ideas and audiences
    -they can both promote their channels to each others subscribers/followers
    ->especially seen with her content that is shared between her, Alfie and Joe, since near identical videos and ideas are created
    -->eg. engagement videos on both 'Zoe Sugg' and 'Alfie Deyes Vlogs
  • is Zoella a post modern text? (intertextuality)

    -yes; she makes many intertextual references in both her vlogs and her website
    -often discussing make up or fashion brands which she wishes to recommend, eg. in JF 'no7 mascara' & 'tan solutions fake tan'
    -references films like The Holiday in her website blogs
  • is Zoella a post modern text? (self-awareness)

    -yes; she shows us that she is aware of the camera
    -sometimes showing off the camera/lighting set up or discussing the editing process
    -she also uses direct address and breaks the 4th wall
  • is Zoella a post modern text? (realism)

    -she is attempting to create verisimilitude within her content in order to make it more relatable to audiences
    -(some) audiences are not aware of this construction and follow the belief that her vlogs are truly reflective of her day to day life and personality
  • significance of conventional vlog editing?
    -when vloggers film with a single camera and one angle, editing is not as 'invisible' as it may seem in TV/film where they mostly use continuity editing

    -sometimes we see jump cuts, where mistakes have been taken out leaving the remaining bits sandwiched together, and sometimes mistakes are left in for the relatability element

    -transitions often used, eg fade to black
  • significance of zoella's editing?
    -she often leaves in awkward pauses or silences to add to the idea that she is reacting naturally to the world around her
    ->makes her feel more relatable and less professional, leading audiences to trust her more as she is just like them
    -videos feel unscripted and spontaneous which makes it seem more real

    ->eg Xmas eve eve vlog, car sequence jumps between a lot of topics without editing, her and alfie often speaking over each other, she gets distracted by her hair -> she seems more relatable and we see her humanity
    ->at end of vlog she jumbles up her words during outro, again for same effect
  • significance of the language Zoe uses?
    -she uses a range of informal words, colloquialisms, slang and direct address that appeals to young audiences
    ->eg being 'silly', laughing, making funny faces \
    ->immature sense of humour more relatable to younger audiences
    ->also uses emojis and 'xx' on her social media posts which younger people will relate to
  • significance of direct address specifically?
    -she treats audiences as though they are friends: 'Hey everyone' 'thanks for watching guys'
    ->builds parasocial relationship, viewers more likely to watch other vlogs/become established fans
  • significance of the settings of her videos?
    -often uses personal spaces, like their homes (esp. bedrooms) or their cars
    -> adds a sense of intimacy as we feel like we are seeing her in her real domain as she usually acts
    -->eg WIMTB & JF filmed entirely in her bedroom, Xmas eve eve flicks between car and home
    -often very feminine with pinks, pastels, glitter, fairy lights etc
    -we are acting as a 'voyeur' into her life and family
  • what is she usually doing in her videos?
    -doing hair/make-up
    -hanging out with friends

    ->audiences relate to/identify with her more and see her as a normal person...sometimes even a big sister figure
    ->sometimes she shows 'imperfections' eg messy house, no make up which allows us to believe we are seeing the real zoella despite her being a constructed persona (simulacrum)
    --> again aiming to build engagement through relatability
  • significance of her discussion of taboo topics?
    -often talks about her mental health, making many ig posts discussing depression and anxiety
    ->adds to realism element - this is usually kept out of typical media so acts as a force for positive representations

    ->subverts her typical 'idealistic' lifestyle
    ->fans feel as though she is exposing her true self
    ->brings positive/important discussions around taboo topics for younger audiences too, so she may be seen as a good role model
  • rep of women - is she sexualised?
    -Zoella and other women are very rarely sexualised in her content
    -usually shown in family friendly ways eg. no swearing, no revealing clothing, focus on fun rather than shock value etc
    ->likely due to young audience, but also to avoid bad publicity that could cost her brand deals
  • has she always represented herself in unproblematic ways?
    -no...old tweets resurfaced which she has since apologised for:
    -one where she made fun of gay men spitting and claimed they were trying to be macho but came out unsucessful
    -others where she used words like 'chav' and 'skank
  • how can judith butler's gender performativity theory be applied to Zoella?
    -she often performs rituals of femininity eg. xmas eve eve decorating table, getting nails done; JF discussing make-up

    -binary opposition between Zoe & Alfie which shows spectrum of masculinity and femininity eg. in WIMTB backpacks for men to carry everything vs women relying on them bc they wear handbags

    - blog has a beauty & home/ recipe section ('manicures to see you through the new year')
    ('15 ways to get your Camembert fix')

    -HOWEVER she is a constructed persona, so the rituals she performs are arguably more indicative of the brand identity she wishes to present in order to maintain audience engagement rather than a expression of her gender identity
  • zoonen applied to zoella?
    - 'the underlying frame of reference is that women belong to the family & domestic life....'
    -> we see her doing the majority of home stuff in thr xmas eve eve blog
    -> she appears to look up to her MIL who is called 'the perfect homemaker'
    -> there is a recipes section on her blod

    -> she is clearly a strong business woman evidenced by her success (she is capable in the economic, business world etc) so is this just curated?
  • subversions of typical gender rep in her videos?
    -men sometimes presented in a 'metrosexual' way, where they take interest in their appearance eg. hair, fashion, skin as we typically expect women to do
    -> Alfie and Zoe doing face-masks together in some videos
    -HALL: subverts stereotypes and GAUNTLETT reflects more complex gender identities in modern era

    -her blogs also carry a lot of feminist ideologies, eg. 'who runs the world' in 2017 which centres around international women's day and all the women who inspire her