rep of masculinity? (BUTLER)
-some reps. of 'typical' masculinity (Johnathan Bailey, Matthew Camp 'OnlyFans star')
-> men tied to sports, reinforces masculinity again (eg Tom Daley)
-HOWEVER also diverse reps of men that aren't typically masculine
-> lots of drag queens (particularly from Ru Paul's drag race)
->'Real Bodies' articles rep. men with more 'natural' bodies that haven't been photoshopped etc.
--> is this alienating? or genuine representation?
—> article also references one of the models who says he isn't into 'bigger men' -> counterproductive?
-> also, fabio crispim article on website criticises 'manly' photo shop app - 'we've seen an increasing number of men desperately trying to live up to the male beauty ideal we constantly see across the media'
—> pos that they're criticising it (bringing attention to the falsity of body expectations) but arguably, attitude do the thing the article is criticising