Barr Bodies - Inactivated X chromosomes seen in female somatic cells
The inactive X is highly condensed, can be observed in stained interphase cells
Random inactivation of the maternal or paternal chromosome
Occurs early in embryonic development and all cellular descendants have the same inactivated chromosome
Although apparent inactivation explains dosage compensation, it complicates certain perceptions in this matter. Perhaps inactivation doesn’t take place in early stages of the development of gonadal tissue, not all X chromosome are inactivated
Lyon hypothesis - Mary Lyon
Inactivation of X chromosome is random (Lyonization)
Occurs in somatic cells at an early stage of embryonic development and is then passed on to progeny cells by mitosis
Life cycles depend on sexual differentiation
In multicellular organisms, it’s important to distinguish between
Primary sexual differentiation, which involves only the gonads where gametes are produced
Secondary sexual differentiation, which involves the overall appearance of the organism
Individuals that contain only male or female reproductive organs are unisexual (dioecious or gonochoric)
Individuals that contain both male and female reproductive organs are bisexual (monoecious or
hermaphroditic) and can produce both male and female gametes
Asexual reproduction in chlamydomonas
Some organism (chlamydomonas) spend most of their life cycle in the haploid phase, asexually producing daughter cells by mitotic division
Under unfavorable nutrient conditions, certain daughter cells function as gametes
In such species, the 2 gametes that fuse together during mating are not usually morphologically distinguishable
Such gametes are called isogametes
Reproduction in Zea mays
•In maize (Zea mays), the diploid sporophyte stage predominates and both male and female structures are present on the adult plant
This indicates that sex determination must occur differently in different tissues of the same plant
•Protenor mode of sex determination
•The XX/XO (butterfly, Protenor) mode of sex determination depends on the randomdistribution of the X chromosome into half of the malegametes
•The presence of two Xchromosomes in the zygote results in female offspring
The presence of only oneXchromosome results in male offspring
Reproduction in C. elegans
The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has two sexual phenotypes: Males, which have only testes and Hermaphrodites, which have both testes and ovaries
•In the XX/XY (Lygaeus) mode of sex determination:
–female gametes all have an X chromosome
–male gametes have either an X or a Y chromosome
•Zygotes with two X chromosomes (homogametous) result in female offspring
Zygotes with one X and one Y chromosome (heterogametous) result in male offspring
Females are the heterogametic sex
In ZZ/ZW sex determination, females are heterogametic (ZW), males are homogametic (ZZ)
The Y chromosome determines maleness in humans
The human karyotype revealed that one pair of chromosomes differs in males and females. Females have XX males have XY
Klinefelter syndrome
Tall, long arms and legs
Underdeveloped testes and prostate gland, no facial hair
Phenotypically male, infertile, sometimes have slight gynecomastia
Generally have normal intelligence, but may be slow learners
Have more than one X chromosome (XXY, 47, XXY, 48, XXY, 49, XXXXY karyotype)
Turner syndrome
Phenotypically female
1/2000 births
Short, may have malformed features: webbed neck, high palate, small jaw, congenital heart and kidney defects, ovarian failure, infertility
Generally have normal intelligence, may have learning disabilities
45, XO karyotype
47, XXX syndrome
The presence of 3 X chromosomes along with a set of autosomes (47, XXX) results in female differentiation
Frequently, 47 XXX women are perfectly normal
In other cases, underdeveloped secondary sex characteristics, sterility, and mental retardation occur
47 XYY condition
Only shared characteristic so far is males are over 6 ft tall
Subnormal intelligence
Y chromosome and male development
Y chromosome has at least 75 genes
The pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) present on both ends of the Y chromosome that share homology with regions on the X chromosome and synapse and recombing with it during meiosis
The presence of such a pairing region is critical to segregation of the X and Y chromosomes during male gametogenesis
Heterochromatin is typically highly condensed, gene-poor, and transcriptionally silent, whereas euchromatin is less condensed, gene-rich, and more accessible to transcription
Pseudoautosomal region – look similar to the autosomes, but they’re not (pseudo). Autosome chromotypes can’t be find in the sex chromosomes
At 6-8 weeks of development, the SRY genes become active in XY embryos.
The testis-determining factor TDF is a protein encoded by a gene in the SRY that triggers testes formation
MSY consists of 23 million base pairs
The MSY can be divided into 3 regions
X-transposed regions (15% originally derived from X chromosome
X-degenerative region (20%)
Ampliconic region (30%, encodes proteins specific to the development and function of the testis)
Sex ratios
The ratio of males to females in humans is NOT 1:1
Primary sex ratio reflects the proportion of males to females conceived in a population
Secondary sex ratio reflects the proportion of each sex that is born
Secondary sex ratio of white population in the US is 106 M to 100 F, in the African American populations it’s 1.025. Suggesting more males are conceived than females
Males produce equal numbers of X and Y bearing sperm
Each type of sperm has equal viability and motility in a female reproductive tract
Egg surface is equally receptive to both types of sperm, so why so many males?
Dosage compensation prevents excessive expression of X-linked genes in humans and other mammals. It balances the dose of X chromosome gene expression in females and males