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Cards (10)

  • History
    Account of the past of a person or of a group of people through written documents and historical evidences
  • Positivism believes in the mantra "NO DOCUMENT, NO HISTORY"
  • History
    The study of the past, derived from the Greek word “historia” which means “knowledge acquired through inquiry or investigation”
  • Historiography
    The history of history, history itself
  • Historians
    • Individual or group of people who write about the lives of important individuals like monarchs, heroes, saints, and nobilities
  • Positivism
    • Requires empirical and observable evidence before one can claim that a particular knowledge
  • Positivism
    School of thought that emerged between the eighteenth and nineteenth century
  • Positivist Historians
    • Expected to be objective and impartial not just in their arguments but also on their conduct of historical research

  • Other kinds of historical sources which may not be in written form are called oral traditions like in forms of epics and songs, artifacts, architecture, and memory
  • Postcolonialism
    A school of thought that emerged in the early twentieth century when formerly colonized nations grappled with the idea of creating their identities and understanding their societies against the shadows of their colonial past