1.3 – 1.4

Cards (25)

  • Historians only get to access representation of the past through historical sources and evidences
  • Historian's job is not just to seek historical evidences and facts but also to interpret these facts
  • Secondary Sources are historical sources which studied a certain historical subject.
  • The interpretation of historical facts is affected by the historian's context and circumstances
  • If historian chooses to use an oral account as his data in studying the ethnic history, he needs to validate the claims of his informant through comparing and corroborating it with written sources.
  • History is always subjective
  • Primary Sources are archival documents, Artifacts, Memorabilia, Letter, Census, Government records
  • Secondary Sources
    Sources produced by an author who used primary sources to produce the material
  • Annales School of History
    A school of history born in France that challenged the canons of history
  • The historian's subjectivity will inevitably influence the process of historical research
  • Primary Sources

    Sources produced at the same time as the event, period, or subject being studied
  • Internal criticism

    • Examines the truthfulness of the evidence by looking at the author of the source, its context, the agenda behind its creation, the knowledge which informed it, and its intended purpose
  • Internal criticism

    The examination of the truthfulness of the evidence, it looks at the content of the source and examines the circumstance of its production
  • External criticism

    The practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristics of the time when it was produced; and the materials used for the evidence
  • Without thorough criticisms of historical evidences, historical deceptions and lies will be highly probable
  • Validating historical sources is crucial because the use of unverified, falsified, and untruthful historical sources can lead to equally false conclusions.
  • Philippine historiography has undergone several changes since the precolonial period until the present
  • Ancient Filipinos narrated their history through communal songs and epics that they passed orally from a generation to another.
  • Bipartite view

    • Saw the age before colonization as a dark period in the history of the islands
    • Brought light through Western thought and Christianity
  • Spaniards came their chroniclers started recording their observations through written accounts
  • Pantayong pananaw
    This perspective highlights the importance of facilitating an internal conversation and discourse among Filipinos about our own history, using the language that is understood by the majority
  • Tripartite View- saw the precolonial society as a luminous age that ended with darkness when the colonizers captured their freedom.
  • Tripartite View - they believed that the light would come again once the colonizers were evicted from the Philippines
  • Zeus Salazar a Filipino historian, introduced the new guiding philosophy for writing and teaching history: pantayong pananaw (for us - from us perspective).
  • Pantayong pananaw
    A new guiding philosophy for writing and teaching history: from us - for us perspective