Both suggest that pride and power leads to oppression- but with differentsubjects of oppression. Both suggest humanity'spride/powerorigin is one's love for oneself and it also is unfounded - lost over time
point 1
Both overarchingly suggest humanity's power is groundless
point 2
Both show symbols of oppression
-MLD- Duchess is shown as the symbol of oppression
-Ozymandias- statue is used as symbol for all institutes "cold command" and their cruel and harsh oppression.
Point 1- MLD
"shethanked men-" "thanked them somehow-" "I know nothow-"
Point 1- MLD "she thanked them-"
-lack of control over what he says
-this works to demonstrate his lack of skill in speech
-shows weakness of character
-his power is constantlyundermined by the caesura
- power lost over time as poem progresses - his power is ephemeral
Point 1- Ozymandias
Point 1- Ozy "look on my works"
-dramaticirony - used to ridicule him
-King expects his empire to survive
-shows humanpower is transient
-shows kingshubristic nature
-naivety of expectationridicules him, portraying him as weak
Point 2- MLD
"I gave commands; Then all smiles stopped together"
Point 2- MLD "I gave commands.."
-Euphemism of murder
-Duchess is the subject of oppression and the result of the Duke's mad obsession with power and control
-euphemistic language demonstrates Duke's abuse of power and cowardice- lacks courage to go and do heinous deed himself.
Point 2- Ozymandias
statue's "sneer of cold command"
Point 2- Ozy "sneer of cold command."
-personification of statue
-statue is used as a symbol for all figures of power.
-alludes to cruel and harshoppression by the "cold" commands that were given
-Shellyberates those in power
Point 3
Prideorigin is love for oneself and their power
Point 3- MLD
duke loves his "ninehundredyearoldname"
Point 3- MLD "nine hundred year..."
-duke's hubris and arrogance about his name suggests his vanity and abuse of power
-exposes his narcissism
-feels entitles to authority and control because of his power
Point 3- Ozymandias
"MynameisOzymandias, kingofkings"
Point 3- "my name is Ozymandias.."
-his pride and arrogance led to his perception of him as the "king of kings"
-criticises other leaders and their ability to rule
-suggests he views himself as omnipotent - pride and self love has led to illusioned thought of his deep-rootedpower