general elements

Cards (5)

  • omissions
    statutory - (road traffic act 1988)
    contractual - (pitwood)
    special relationship - (gibbons and proctor)
    creating dangerous situation - (miller)
    position of public responsibility (dytham)
    voluntarily - (stone and Robinson)\
  • causation
    factual - 'but for' test
    legal - more than minimal (kismey)
  • chain of causation
    third party
    foreseeable action by third party - chain not broken (pagett)
    d's own actions - 'daftness test'
    d's actions foreseeable - chain not broken (roberts)
    d's actions unforeseeable - chain broken (williams)
    treatment must be independent to d's actions (Cheshire)
    chain broken - (Jordan)
    chain not broken - (malcherek)
  • thin skull rull
    d must take his victim as he finds them
    something unusual - liable for more serious injury
  • mens rea
    direct intent - d's main aim to bring about criminal consequences (Mohan)
    oblique intent - virtual certainty, d appreciated this (woollin)
    subjective recklessness - realise risk (Cunningham)
    negligence - fail to meet standard of care of reasonable man - objective test