It is an objective way of defining abnormal based on statistical data
There is a real life application it is a useful part of clinicalassessments which are used to identify patients with mentaldisorders
The definition does not distinguish between desirable and undesirable behaviour. For example, some unusual characteristics can be considered desirable and some common characteristics are undesirable
A high IQ is considered desirable but it may fall out of the average. Therefore, many gifted people can be classed as 'abnormal' using this definition
1 in 4 people develop depression in their lifetime, but this is undesirable.
Labelling someone as 'low IQ' can be unhelpful especially if they're able to live a 'normal' life without distress to themselves or others. This label can cause more issues than the condition (self fulfilling prophecy)
What is a self fulfilling prophecy?
A prediction that causes itself to become true. This may be due to your own beliefs that influenced your behaviour and performance contributing to the expected outcome coming to pass.