Food Production

Cards (28)

  • crop yield
    the total quantity of crop that the land produces
  • eutrophication
    A process by which nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, become highly concentrated in a body of water, leading to increased growth of organisms such as algae or cyanobacteria.
  • pesticide
    A chemical intended to kill pests that damage crops.
  • insecticide
    a chemical used to kill insects
  • herbicide
    substance that kills plants
  • biological control
    the intentional release of a natural enemy to attack a pest population
  • bioaccumulation
    The accumulation of a substance, such as a toxic chemical, in various tissues of a living organism.
  • Fermenter
    A vessel used to grow microorganisms in large numbers.
  • aseptic
    free from disease-causing microorganisms
  • intraspecific competition

    competition between members of the same species
  • interspecific competition

    competition between members of different species
  • Agitation
    Constant moving or stirring
  • Predation
    An interaction in which one organism kills another for food.
  • selective breeding
    The process of selecting a few organisms with desired traits to serve as parents of the next generation
  • anaerobic respiration in yeast -- glucose --> carbon dioxide + yeast
  • Lactobacillus bacteria

    Bacteria that ferment lactose sugar in milk to form lactic acid
  • Fermentation
    Microorganisms break sugars down to release energy (usually by anaerobic respiration)
  • Industrial fermentation
    1. Microorganisms are grown in large containers called fermenters
    2. Microorganisms are grown in liquid 'culture medium'
    3. Conditions inside the fermentation vessels are kept at the optimum levels for growth
  • Bacteria ferment milk to produce yoghurt
  • Lactic acid
    Acid formed by lactobacillus bacteria fermenting lactose sugar in milk
  • Making yoghurt
    1. Sterilise equipment
    2. Pasteurise milk
    3. Cool milk
    4. Add lactobacillus bacteria
    5. Incubate
    6. Form lactic acid
    7. Milk solidifies into yoghurt
    8. Add flavours and colours
    9. Package
  • Sterilising vessels between uses
    Kills unwanted microbes
  • Nutrients needed by the microorganisms for growth are provided in the liquid culture medium
  • Aseptic conditions
    Increases the product yield because the microorganisms aren't competing with other organisms
  • Aseptic conditions

    Means that the product doesn't get contaminated
  • Water-cooled jacket
    Prevents the enzymes from getting too hot and denaturing
  • Adding oxygen for respiration
    Pumping in sterile air
  • Paddles that circulate the medium around the vessel
    Increases the product yield because microorganisms can always access the nutrients needed for growth