The Attlean Consensus

Cards (33)

  • Attleean Consensus included borrowing from the USA with conditions such as keeping taxes high in return for New Jerusalem initiatives
    Squalor, Want, Ignorance, Disease, Idleness
  • The biggest problem Attlee came into was the post-war economy
  • The NHS was established on 5/5/1948 with funding from National Insurance and tax, providing various healthcare services
  • Solutions for Want
    1. Family Allowance Act 1945
    2. The National Insurance Act 1946
    3. Industrial Injuries Act 1946
    4. National Assistance Act 1948
  • Solutions for Squalor
    1. Council housing
    2. New Towns Act 1946
    3. Prefabs
    4. Squatting
  • Orthodox economics wouldn’t work because the people would starve
  • Keynesianism, used by the government from 1945-70s, involved borrowing money and spending on useful projects to create more jobs
  • Solutions for Ignorance
    1. Education Act 1944
    2. School Building
  • The biggest problem Attlee faced was the post-war economy
  • Problems in 1945
    • Promised a new Jerusalem e.g NHS, benefits, Reconstruction of cities, 1.2 Million houses, Huge debt to America after lend lease ends, 14% of GNP on defence, Loss of markets
  • Keynesianism
    • Used by the government from 1945-70s, The government borrows money and spends on useful projects, The workers spend the money they earn and create more jobs
  • Solutions for Ignorance
    Education Act 1944, School Building
  • Solutions for Squalor
    Council housing, New Towns Act 1946, Prefabs, Squatting
  • The NHS 1946
    Provided GP’s, specialists, hospitals, dentist, opticians, and prescriptions
  • Orthodox economics wouldn't work as it would lead to starvation
  • The Attleean Consensus aimed to address SWIDI - Squalor, Want, Ignorance, Disease, Idleness
  • The Attleean Consensus Policy
    1. Borrow from USA
    2. Keep tax high at 50% in return for New Jerusalem
    3. Control exchange of money
    4. Austerity and rationing
    5. Government controlled the economy
    6. Control imports and exports
    7. Export or Expire
  • The Attleean Consensus
    Agreement on economic policies during the post-war period under Attlee
  • Solutions for Want
    Family Allowance Act 1945, The National Insurance Act 1946, Industrial Injuries Act 1946, National Assistance Act 1948
  • Family allowance act

  • National Insurance Act + Industrial Injuries
  • NHS Begins + National Assistance
  • Council Housing 45-51
    Four council houses for every private - led to 500k built
  • New Towns Act

    Solved overcrowding
  • Squatting
    Government didnt prosecute civilians squatting in barracks
  • Want
    FAA, NAA
  • Family Assistance Act
  • National Assistance Act
    1948 - means tested but became relied on as benefits were low
  • Ignorance
    Education Act 1944/Butler Act
  • Education Act
    1944 - Leaving age of school 15/16 - now compulsory and 11+ exam - implemented by Attlee
  • By 1950 over ____ schools built

  • Disease
    NHS -46 starts 48 - Bevin minister for health and housing - GP, Hospital, Optician