TCP/IP Protocol Summary

Cards (19)

  • Protocol
    A set of rules governing communication in a network and between computers.
  • Network Port
    A combination of source and destination information for communication between computers.
  • TCP
    Transmission Control Protocol used for emails and web browsing. Slower but more reliable. Uses three-way handshake and flags for reliable connection establishment.
  • UDP
    User Datagram Protocol for real-time streaming and applications. Unreliable and faster, but not as reliable as TCP.
  • HTTP
    Standard internet/webpage access protocol, default port 80.
    Hyper Text Transport Protocol Secure for encrypted sensitive data, port 443.
  • FTP
    File transferring protocol, port 21.
  • SFTP
    Secure File Transfer Protocol, port 22.
  • Telnet
    Teletype network protocol used to remote into another device via remote or console, port 23.
  • SSH
    Secure Shell protocol using 3DES encryption to secure remote data, port 22.
  • RDP
    Remote Desktop Protocol, port 3389, for remote access into another computer via GUI.
  • POP3
    Post Office Protocol V3, an older protocol for receiving email, default port 110.
  • IMAP
    Internet Message Access Protocol v4 responsible for receiving email, email is stored on the server and sync to multiple devices, port 143.
  • SMTP
    Simple Message Transport Protocol responsible for sending email, port 25.
  • DHCP
    Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol that automatically assigns IP addresses to devices, ports 67, 68.
  • DNS
    Domain Name Service that resolves or translates domain names to IP addresses, port 53.
  • SMB
    Server Message Block. Share files and printers. Port 137 - 139
  • SNMP
    Simple Network Management Protocol. Monitors network. Port 161
  • LDAP
    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Allows for directory services to store/authenticate passwords, usernames, accounts and share them over the network. Port 389