The heart is supposed to give life but Ozymandias ’fed’ on the people that he was supposed to serve.
Imagery that Ozymandias was a monster
show the sculptor’s power, it’s the sculptor’s heart that is feeding on the expression of Ozymandias and showing a greater trust to the world
“My name is Ozymandias, king of kings”
“King of kings” is a phrase used to depict God as the almighty, ultimate ruler of all
The fact that Ozymandias refers to himself in this manner, suggests that he regards himself equal to God
Demonstrates the hubris of powerful rulers sand implies that power corrupts the minds of men. -shelley as a romantic poet- criticises the oppression of rulers
allegory for king George iii who was known as tyrant- Shelley is warning him that he’ll be forgotten like Ozymandias