an ecosystem consist of all the living organisms in a particular area and the non living components with which they interact
Habitat definition
Place where an organism lives
Community definition
all living organisms (plants and animals) within an ecosystem
Population definition
a group of organisms of the one species living in the same place at the same time
A group of organisms with similar characteristics that are able to interbreed to produce fertile offspring
biodiversity is the variety and abundance of species found in an ecosystem
food chain
a feeding relationship which shows the flow of energy through a series of organisms in a ecosystem
green plant which produce its own food via photosynthesis
gets energy by eating something else
micro organisms are
decomposers, breaking their en waste material and dead animals/plants. allows nutrients to be recycled
predator def
animal that hunts other animals for food
as predator numbers increase
prey numbers decrease
food web
a diagram which shows how all the food chains in a community are linked together
changes to food web
DISESE,DROUGHT,HUNTING bc organisms interact w eachother, the removal of one population has impacts for rest
energy in a ecosystem lost
how much energy passed on in food chain
10% each time
of energy and pyramid numbers
the roll that an organism plays within a community
interspecific competition
individuals of a diffrent species requiring similar resources
grazing ?
intraspecific competition
individuals of the same species competing for the same resources
compare sqa terminology
means that you should identify similarities and differences between two or more factors. You need to write something about each factor, advantages and disadvantages of each.
define sqa terminology
give a clear meaning or describe exactly
The number of different species in an ecosystem
5 structures in animal cell
1. cell membrane
2. cytoplasm
3. ribosomes
4. nucleus
5. mitochondria
8 structures in plant cell
1. cell membrane
2. cytoplasm
3. vacuole
4. chloroplasts
5. nucleus
6. cell wall
7. mitochondria
8. ribosomes
5 structures in bacterial cell
1. plasmid
2. cell membrane
3. cytoplasm
4. ribosomes
5. celll wall
6 structures in fugal cell
(animal cell w cell wall)(af)
1. cell wall
2. cell membrane
3. nucleus
4. ribosomes
5. cytoplasm
6. mitochondria
cell wall
supports and strengthens cell.
(made of cellulose, freely permeable)
cell membrane
controls which substances enter/ exit the cell. (selectively permeable)