Cards (28)

  • Punishment
    The hardest behavior modification technique to implement and understand is
  • Cephalic vein, femoral vein and jugular vein

    The three veins used for venipunture in cats are the
  • Grasp the rat around the lower jaw and support its hindquarters
    Which of the following is the best way to restrain a rat?
  • Charles Darwin
    Classical ethology theories were first described by
  • Ivan Pavlov
    Classical conditioning theory is based on work done by
  •  Lateral recumbency and sternal recumbency
    Which of the following are manual restraint techniques for dogs?
  • conflict related
    Aggression that develops when the animal is confused about what the owner wants is ______________ aggression.
  • Femoral artery and facial artery

    When taking an animal's pulse, you can use which of the following?
  • 3
    When palpating the abdomen during a physical examination, the abdomen is divided into __________ sections.
  • sensitive period

    The period of time when imprinting occurs is the
  • Sedation therapy

    The most common pharmaceutical therapy used in behavior modification is
  • Habituation
    Flooding an animal with the stimulus that causes the behavior problem is
  • 9
    When ausculting the lungs, each side of the chest is divided into _______ quadrants.
  • on its side
    One method of restraining a goat is by placing it
  • Trust
    What is the cornerstone to successful behavior modification of training?
  • Saphenous vein, cephalic vein, and jugular vein

    What three sites may be used for venipuncture in a dog?
  • Submandibular and popliteal
    Which of the following lymph nodes can be palpated when they're normal size?
  • distracting the horse with a small amount of pain
    A twitch is used to restrain a horse by
  • body systems history

    Asking detailed questions about the presenting problem describes the
  • pulmonary, mitral, aortic
    When ausculting the heart, which valve(s) are heard best on the left side of the chest?
  • always let the horse know where you are
    When moving around a horse, you should
  • halter
    The most common way of restraining dairy cows is with
  • positive reinforcement

    An immediate pleasant occurrence that follows a behavior defines
  • lateral and sternal recumbency

    Which of the following are manual restraint techniques for dogs?
  • Extinction
    Completely removing a reinforcement for a behavior defines the _______ technique of behavior modification
  • casting rope
    The best way to make a cow lie on the ground is by using a
  • counterconditioning
    The behavior modification technique used to replace an undesirable behavior with a desirable behavior is
  • eyes and ears
    Which of the following are examined separately from a particular body system in the systematic examination?