1. 4ths (Fig. 1 in clarinets)
2. Parallel 4ths and 7ths (Fig. 3 in bassoons)
3. Whole-tone structures, e.g. the chord of B-D-E-G#, albeit clouded by chromatic movement, at Fig. 8
4. Bitonal structures, e.g. Fig. 13 with its combination of Fb major (enharmonic E major) in the bass and dominant 7th of Ab in treble
5. Polytonal structures, e.g. Fig. 14 with chords of E major, E minor, C major and V' of Ab
6. Superimposed 5ths chord (Eb-Bb-F-C-G-D), combined with C major broken chord (Fig. 16)
7. Superimposed 4ths chord (one beat before Fig. 18)
8. Parallel second inversion 7th chords, embedded in the middle of an opulent orchestral texture (Fig. 28) - see example from Fig. 28 on page 139
9. Parallel 7th chords, again as part of a larger texture
10. Dissonances involving 9th chords (Fig. 37)