The Trinity is the concept of one God and 3 persons the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Incarnation is the belief that Jesus is God in human form. It's important because it says Jesus was both human and divine. He united humanity to God
Creation Story - Day 1: light and dark, Day 2: Sea and Sky, Day 3: Land and vegetation, Day 4: sun, moon and stars, Day 5: birds and sea creatures, Day 6: land animals and humans (Adam and Eve), Day 7: Rest
The soul - spiritual part of humans believed to be immortal
The Day of Judgement - day in the future when the world will end and dead will be resurrected and judged by God
Heaven - state of eternal union with God
Hell - state of eternal separation from God
Purgatory - state of waiting where people are purged of their sins before entering heaven (Roman Catholics)
Salvation - saving the soul from sin and it's consequences
Sin - any action or thought that separates people from God
Salvation can be achieved through - Obeying God's laws, Having faith in Jesus (Grace), holy spirit will help Christians turn to God (Spirit)
Jesus' role in Salvation - Jesus' Crucifixion: took away original sin, Atonement: dying on the cross to save humans relationship with God, Jesus' resurrection: goodness of Jesus defeated evil, people who believe will be free from sin
Jesus' Crucifixion - he was crucified for claiming to be the Son of God. It's important because he died to take away sins of the world and broke the power of evil
Jesus' Resurrection - he rose from the dead 3 days after being crucified. It's important because if you trust in Jesus you will be resurrected after death. It proves that Jesus is the true Son of God
Jesus' Ascension - he ascended into heaven, it was the end of his time on earth. It's important because it is proof that he is God incarnated and Jesus is preparing a place for followers in Heaven
Palm Sunday - Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. People waved palm leaves at him for praise
Maundy Thursday - Jesus shared 'the last supper' with his disciples