Corporal Punishment

Cards (3)

  • Corporal punishment - the use of physical punishments to correct behaviour
  • For:
    • Too expensive to maintain criminals
    • Lower crime rates in countries that allow corporal punishment (Saudi Arabia - Shariah Law)
    • "eye for an eye" - Christianity
    • "a rod for a fools back" - Christianity
    • "a thief male and female, cut off the hand of both" - Islam
    • "if a woman or man is guilty of adultery, flog each one of them 100 stripes" - Islam
    • "turn the other cheek" - Christianity
    • "do not lift your stick against your wife and children" - Islam
    • "indeed, Allah is forgiving and merciful" - Islam
  • Corporal Punishment - [12 MARKS]
    • Deterrence - "a thief male and female, cut off the hands of both" - Islam. Lower crime rates in Saudi Arabia - Shariah Law
    • Retribution - "eye for an eye" - Christianity. It's fair to have revenge on criminals
    • Too expensive to maintain criminals in prison - money could have been spent elsewhere
    • Forgiveness - "forgive 70x7" - Christianity. Jesus forgave inspiring people to forgive
    • "do not lift your stick against your wife and children" - Islam. Influences them to live up to the Prophet's words
    • "turn the other cheek"