Cards (9)

  • Human rights are considered to be
    • Absolute - can't be diminished
    • Universal - applies to all
    • Fundamental - can't be removed
  • HRA problems
    • A negative right restrains other person's or gov by limiting their actions towards or against the right holder
    • A problem is that it's a piece of statue law so it's not entrenched
    • The HR can't be used to overturn primary legislation
  • Right to life - Article 2
    • Everyone's right to life is protected by law
    • Exceptions in self defense you do not have to right to life if you cause a riot/insurrection
  • Case - right to life - MCann and others Vs UK (1995)
    • The European court of Human rights found the UK violated article 2. There was excessive force used in killing members of the IRA without trying to arrest them
  • No punishment without law - article 7
    • People found guilty of a criminal offence cannot have a heavier penalty imposed on them
    • No one can be found guilty for any act which at the time was commited was criminal
  • Case - Article 7 - RV secretary of state for the home department
    • A man convicted of various sexual offences including rape was sentenced to 12 years
    • He argued he had a heavier penalty which the HOL disagreed with
    • HR law wouldn't only infringe if a sentence exceeded the maximum penalty available under law at the time of the offence
  • Freedom from slavery and forced labour - article 4
    • No one shall be held in slavery or servitude
    • No one shall be forced or required to perform or compulsory labour
    • Exceptions - work done in detention, any service as a military character, in cade of emergency that threatens the community
  • Case - Article 4 - Siliadin Vs France (2005)
    • 15 year old girl brought to France by someone who played for her but then confiscated her passport
    • The girl would then work until she paid the person back her air fare
    • She was then sent to another couple and forced to work 15 hour a day, 7 days a week with no pay
  • Resolution of the Siliadin Vs France Case
    • Slavery and servitude were not specific criminal offences in France
    • The European court held that the girl had been kept in servitude.