input is the component that allows the computer to receive data from the outside world
proccessing is done by the cpu and the results are either sent to an output or transferred to secondary storage
storage primary and secondary
the ouput componenet is for dislpaying data
the purpose of the cpu is to proccess data and to control the rest of the computer system
the control unit directs the flow of intructions. the control unit checks the intructions in the register
the athmetic logic unit performs mathamatical or logic functions on values passing on from the register
the registers temporily store data from the cpu. storres the results from the calculations of the alu
teh cache hold data and intructions that the cpu is likely to use
the cache stores the instructions
rom means read only memory
optical laser beams are projected onto a disc
magnetic uses a magnetic plate and a read write head
volatile = stored temporally
non volatile = permeant
the gpu role is used to show images the better the gpu the better the image quality
motherboard is how all the computer parts communicate to each other
as the number of cores increase the computer has more power to execute multiple processes at once
rom stores your apps
flash is a usb that can store music and videos
Fetch decode cycle is when the cpu gets data from the rom which is then temporally stored in the registers. then it is decoded by the control unit. and then its sent to the alu. this is then repeated for every instruction