Each asymmetrical division produces one founder cell (denoted AB, MS, E, C, and D), which produces differentiated descendants, and one stem cell (the P1-P4 lineage)
1. A/P axis formation is determined by the location of sperm entry
2. When sperm enters the oocyte, the centriole associated with the sperm pronucleus initiates cytoplasmic movements pushing the male pronucleus to the nearest end of the oocyte which becomes the posterior pole
Time lapse imaging showing progressive internalization of the endodermal precursor cells in the C.elegans gastrula
Cross-section of the invagination of these endodermal precursor cells with their more apical neighbors indicated
Only the apical surface of the invaginating cells shows activated myosin
Model of apical constriction through the contraction of actin-myosin contractile networks linked to apical adherens junctions all localized to the apical surface. F-actin & nonmuscle myosin II