When a progressive wave travels towards a free end for a string, or open end for a pipe
The reflected wave is in phase with the incident wave. The amplitudes of the incident and reflected waves add up. A free end is a location of maximum displacement - i.e. an antinode
Phase differences between two points on travelling waves can be anything from 0 to 2π. Between two points on a standing wave can only be in-phase (0 phase difference) or anti-phase (π out of phase)
When the driving frequency approaches the natural frequency of an oscillator, the system gains more energy from the driving force. Eventually, when they are equal, the oscillator vibrates at its maximum amplitude
The frequency of the forced oscillations on a system is referred to as the driving frequency f. All oscillating systems have a natural frequency f which is defined as the frequency of an oscillation when the oscillating system is allowed to oscillate freely. Oscillating systems can exhibit a property known as resonance when the driving frequency f = natural frequency f