461 Exam 2

Cards (68)

  • cnidarians have radial symmetry, diploblastic, acoelomates
  • a cnidocyte is a sensory effector cell containing; nematocyst, cnidocil (trigger), and operculum (lid)
  • nerve nets in medusas have nerve rings and ganglia around jellyfish, rhopalium have sensory elements
  • ocellus: light
    statocyst: balance
    inner sensory pit: olfaction
  • gymnoblastea are athecate, anthomedusa, and have polymorphism
  • gymnoblastea
    • Tubularia
    • hydractina
  • calyptoblastea are thecate, leptomedusa, and have gastro and gonozooids
  • calyptoblastea have a perisarc, hydrotheca (gastrozooid), nad a gonotheca (gonozooid)
  • obelia is an example of calyptoblastea
  • siphonophora is polymorphic, and has a long string or bladder to keep it afloat
  • siphonophora has gastrozooids, dactylzooids, and gonozooids
  • siphonophora medusa have nectophores (swimming bells), bracts (protection), and gonophores
  • pneumatophores are gas floats and oleocysts are oil floats
  • cormidium is a linear sequence of individuals for calycophora
  • physophorida
    • portuguese man o war (physalia)
    • velella
  • schyphozoa are acraspedote, meaning they have no velum
  • discomedusa is a order of schyphozoa and contains aurelia
  • aurelia life cycle:
    scyphistoma --> strobilia --> ephyra
  • anthozoa have neoteny, and are polyp and solitary only
  • stomodeum is an oral disc found in anthozoa
  • the coelenteron in anthozoa is divided by septa, stomodeum (mouth), siphonoglyph (with cilia on the ends)
  • octocorallia are soft corals that are colonial, with 8 septa, and 1 siphonoglyph
  • hexacorallia have 6 septa, 2 siphonoglyphs, can be solitary or colonial, and have acontia (fibers in the GVC)
  • Ctenophores are comb jellies with sense organs on all sides, ctenes, and 8 comb rows
  • ctenophores have radial symmetry, diploblastic, and are acoelomates
  • the cydippid is the comb jelly that we drew with long tentacles
  • ctene is in the shape of a comb and is used for movement
  • costa of ctenes is a comb row made of 8 ctenes
  • statoliths are used as sense organs for ctenophores
  • colloblast cells are on the tentacles of ctenophores and are sticky. they are used for feeding and digestion
  • pluerobranchia: gooseberries
  • Porifera are made of spicules and are filter feeders
  • porifera have no symmetry, no germ layers, and no organs
  • Porifera body plan:
    • spongocoel: empty space
    • pinacocyes: contractile cells
    • porocytes of osia: water in and out
    • mesohyl: gelatinous nonliving layer
    • choanocytes: collar cells, capture food and gonads
    • gemmule: in spongilla for reproduction, migrate together secrete cysts
  • Porifera levels of complexity:
    • asconoid
    • syconoid
    • leuconoid
  • calcaria have caco3 spicules with 1 or 3 rays
  • hexactinellida are glass sponges with 3 or 6 rays ex. venus flower basket
  • demospongia have silica or proteon spicules and are never 6 rayed
  • platyhelminthes are flatworms with bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, acoelomates, and have cephalization
  • tuberllaria is a class of platyhelminthes that are not parasitic, they reproduce with fewer large eggs