NS2 - Chapter 1, Maritime History

Cards (39)

  • Sailors of Crete were the first to use sea power 4,000 years ago
  • Phoenicians
    • Established colonies and trading stations that grew into centers of commerce (Carthage was the greatest)
  • Sea power
    A nation's ability to use the sea to meet its military and economic needs
  • Sea Line of Communication
    Sea route traversed by support forces
  • Hellespont
    What the Trojan War was fought over (now called the Dardanelles)
  • Galleys
    Fighting vessels mainly propelled by oars with one or two sails
  • Year of Battle of Salamis
    480 BC
  • Bad weather and the Greek’s hit-and-run tactics reduced Xerxes fleet leading to defeat in the Battle of Salamis
  • Triremes
    Multid-decked War Galley
  • Areas that flourished in Athens during the Golden Age
    • Theater
    • Sculpture
    • Writing
    • Philosophy
  • Made the Golden Age of Athens possible

    Battle of Salamis
  • Small battles between Greece and Carthage
  • Mare Nostrum
    Our sea
  • Pax Romana
    the longest period of peace in world history
  • Muslims
    derived from an Arabic word meaning “submitter” (to God)
  • Middle Ages
    5th through 15th centuries
  • Dark Ages
    from the fall of Rome until about the 11th century
  • Long Ships
    slender wooden sailing vessels with shallow-draft hulls and oars that facilitated travel through the open ocean, shallow coastal areas, and rivers. Used by the Vikings
  • Renaissance
    the Rebirth; 13th-16th centuries
  • Hanseatic League
    German port cities that dominated the economy of northern and western Europe near 1356
  • Battle of Lepanto
    signaled the end of the Age of the Galley;
  • Arquebus
    an early type of musket
  • Age of Discovery
    the Ottoman Turks, now having full reign of the Mediterranean following the Battle of Lepanto, creating the
  • Portugese
     the first to seek a new route to the East Indies and the rest of Asia
  • Prince Henry the Navigator
    hired sailors to find a route to the East by sailing around southern Africa
  • Bartolomeu Dias
    rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1488, proving that a sea route to Asia exited
  • Vasco De Gama
    sailed from Portugal to India in 1498
  • Convoy
    a method used for centuries afterward to protect merchant shipping
  • Mercantile Theory
    to become richer and more powerful, a nation had to make other nations poorer by capturing their wealth
  • Privateering
    where merchant vessels attack/raid treasure ships;
  • Armada
    Large fleet of warships; The Spanish one was composed of 124 galleons and they eventually lost to England’s 34 men-of-war; this failure signaled beginning of Spain’s decline
  • Culverins
    an early type of cannon
  • Broadside
    simultaneous firing of all available guns on one side
  • Grapple
    a group of large metal hooks with a common central shaft attached to a heaving line - used to latch onto enemy ships
  • Fireships
    ships loaded with combustibles that were set afire and sent drifting among enemy ships
  • Spanish Main
    the stretch of water from Colombia and Panama to the Caribbean islands
  • Charters
    licenses granted for colonizations
  • Treaty of Paris
    ended the war between France and England in 1763
  • The First Crusade
    initiated by Pope Urban II in 1095