The functional relationship between physical input signal and electrical output signal
what are the quality parameters of a sensor system
range and span
stability (drift)
what is sensitivity
the relationship between changes in input physical signal and output electrical signal
How well can the sensor detect changes in input value
Example: a thermometer would have "high sensitivity" if a small temperature change resulted in a large voltage change.
what is accuracy
measure of difference between the measured value and actual value. Generally defined as percentage of actual value.
what is precision
s the ability of an instrument toreproduce a certain set of readings within a given deviation.
what is repeatability
the ability to reproduce the output signal exactly when the same measured quantity is applied repeatedly under the same environmental conditions.
what is range and span
the limits between which inputs can vary. Span is maximum value minus the minimum value of the input.
what is stability (drift)
the ability to give same output when a constant input is measured over a period of time. Drift is expressed as percentage of full range output.
what is hysteresis
The dependency of system output on the system‘s previous state. When the system is given a certain input, the output depends on what the previous state of the system was.
what is sensor output in the form of?
resistance change
voltage change
capacitance change
current change
an appropriate circuit is required to measure these changes
what do analog sensors, like the light sensor, often work as?
a variable resistor because the resistance is directly influenced by the condition it measures
what is a voltage divider circuit used for
it can often be used to turn the changing resistance of the sensor into a proportional change of voltage
what is a microcontroller
a small, inexpensive computing device
usually employed for sensing input from the real world and controlling devices based on that input
what are the 3 tools for using Arduino?
the arduino microcontroller (actual hardware)
arduino working environment (the IDE built in Java)
language and compiler
what are the reserved words called
what are the three sections in a sketch called
what are the two parts of an Arduino program that run
is the initialization part of the sketch required?
not always, but some devices need to be initialized when the microcontroller starts up
what is the setup section used for
set pin modes, initialize serial communication, etc.
what is the loop section used for
code to be executed - reading inputs, triggering outputs, etc.
what is the initialization section used for?
contains all the variables and values that will be used throughout the program
what do the constants HIGH and LOW mean?
the voltage level for a digital pin, either 5V or 0V
what do the constants INPUT and OUTPUT mean
used for setting pins that can be used either for input or output
which function/method is used for setting digital pins as input or output
what values does the analogRead() method read
from 0 to 1023, representing the voltage being passed into the pin
what values does the analogWrite() method read
range from 0 to 255
what does the millis() method return
the number of milliseconds since the program started running