storing stock, sauces and soup

Cards (20)

  • Stock is made by simmering bones or vegetables with water.
  • Soup is made from stock that has been seasoned and flavoured with herbs and spices.
  • Store and Reconstitute
  • Store a quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed
  • Reconstitute restore (something dried,especially food) to its original state by adding water to it.
  • The stock should never be put in the refrigerator while it is hot.
  • Refrigerated stock cools better in shallow pans. If covered, stock lasts up to five days but it is best if used in two days.
  • • A good way to cool the stock is to place the hot stockpot in a sink full of cold water and ice cubes until it is lukewarm but it should not exceed one hour.
  • • Sauces and starches should be kept in an airtight container, and stored in a cool dry place away from the moisture, oxygen, lights, and pests.
  • The thickened sauce should also be prepared, served, and stored with caution.
  • Food made with starches contains egg, milk, cream of other dairy products all of which make them prone to bacterial contamination and foodborne illnesses.
  • Bacteria grow most rapidly in the range of temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F
  • Reconstitute is to "restore" (something dried, especially food) to its original state by adding water to it (Definition from Oxford-. Languages), and by using other liquids like evaporating milk, coconut milk, and, frutt juice.
  • Skim the surface and strain off the stock through a China cap lined with several layers of cheesecloth.
  • Set the pot in a sink with blocks, rack or some other-object under it.This is called venting. This allows cold water to flow under the pot or around it.
  • When cool, refrigerate the stock in covered containers. Stock will be preserved in 2-3 days if properly refrigerated.
  • • Stir the pot occasionally so the stocks çool evenly. Cooling the stock quickly and properly is important. Improperly cooled stock may spoil in 6-8 hrs.
  • Run cold water into the sink, but not higher than the level of the stock.
  • Sauce is a liquid or semi-liquid mixture used as an accompaniment to foods. Sauces are made from various ingredients such as meat juices, vegetables, herbs, spices, wine, vinegar, butter, cream, eggs, etc.
  • Stock can also be frozen. Freeze in small quantities because large amounts tend to freeze solid and are difficult to thaw out.