Cards (26)

  • Unilateral trade order
    Euro monetary system
    • Rustowunderdevelopment is not the first stage of growth but effect of colonialism and imperialism
    • Wallensteindependency and exploitation in a world system under a capitalist design
  • Monetary regime
    Gold standard
  • Integrated Economy
    One Economy through regime formation
  • Underdevelopment because countries have not converged
  • Regimes
    Implicit and explicit principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures and institutions around which actors expectations converge
  • Economic globalization
    Movement from international economy/global economy to an integrated market economy
  • Changing character of states
    • Going beyond the national
    • Re-define what is “national”
    • States as agents – midwives of globalization
    • New actors
  • GATT - WTO
  • National Economies
    • Monetary policy
    • Fiscal policy
    • Trade policy
  • International trade policies
    Bretton Woods
  • Regimes
    Shape a particular aspect of inter-relations
  • Global economy (globalization)
    1. Historical process of increasing integration (production, consumption, etc.)
    2. Aspects/dimensions – trade, capital, finance, technology, commerce
    3. Globalization goes beyond internationalization
    4. Economy is an organic system
    5. New global context
  • Global Economy
    Common arrangements of exchange
    • Solow growth model- industrialization of developed world led to underdevelopment of the rest because
    • Industrial revolution
    • Economic nationalism; self-sufficiency
  • IMF - WB
  • Integration through regime formation
    1. Concept of money – Money represents a value promised. i.e., a piece of paper may be exchanged for the said value
    2. Gold standard – a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold. With the gold standard, countries agreed to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold. A country that uses the gold standard sets a fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at that price
    3. Bretton Woods System - system that required a currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was in turn pegged to the price of gold
    4. European Monetary Integration / European Monetary System (EMS)
  • Historical phenomenon
    1. Silk road
    2. 16th Century long distance trade
    3. 17th Century free market trade
    4. Globalization
  • International trade policies
    1. Ricardo - Comparative advantage
    2. Hamilton - Nationalist protectionism
    3. Marx - Uneven, core-periphery exploitation
  • Bretton Woods System
    • Currency peg to the U.S. dollar which was in turn pegged to the price of gold
  • Market Integration through Corporations
    Market integration occurs when prices among different locations or related goods follow similar patterns over a long period of time. Corporations (MNCs, GOCCs) function as main market integrators by coordinating multiple functions of the organization
  • Multilateralism
    1. GATT - General agreement on tariffs and trade
    2. GATT Rounds - multilateral negotiations in various years focusing on tariffs, anti-dumping agreements, non-tariff barriers, framework agreements, rules, services, intellectual property, dispute settlement, textiles, agriculture, and the creation of the WTO
    3. World Trade Organization - official forum for trade negotiations with legal personality
  • Unilateral trade order
    1. Non-institutionalized unilateralism
    2. Zero Sum game
    3. Voluntary trade
    4. Bilateral negotiation (most favored nation)
  • Developing countries and international trade
    • Unwillingness of developing countries to open markets due to fear of losing comparative advantage
    • UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development) promotes cooperation between developing and developed nations
    • North-South divide in regime formation
  • European Monetary Integration / European Monetary System (EMS)

    • Links currencies of European states with the goal of stabilizing inflation and stopping large exchange rate fluctuations between neighboring nations to facilitate trade
  • Gold standard
    Country sets a fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at that price