The pH of water can affect nutrient availibility. a. true
When testing water for electrical conductivity, what is the prefered ec?below 1.5 dS/m in general
water cost is not a big factor in the US true
What does electrical conductivity (Ec) measure? Soluble Salts
What is typically seek pH values for the water in the root zone? a. between 5.4 and 6.9
What is the preferred EC (dS/m) in your greenhouse water <0.50
What is the pH of water? 7
What is a common consequence of high salinity in irrigation water? Reduced plant growth
What are concerns related to water quality?
pH of water b. alkalinity of water c. source of water d. hardness
What is the recommended electrical conductivity for general use (in dS/m) Below 1.5
Alkaline and alkalinity refer to the same thing?fasle
Which of the following is an acceptable value for the pH of the water in the root zone? 6.2
what level of hazard is an EC of 2-3 high
If the pH of water changes from 6 to 5, how much does the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the water change?
What are the design criteria of an irrigation system? Consistent water temperature b. Steady availability of water, System capacity
Which of the following is not an irrigation system? rain
In the past, it would be common to over irrigate by 10-20% more to: Prevent salt build up
What does underwatering cause? Retardation of photosynthesis and cell elongation b. short stems c. damage to young tissue d. wilting
Which of the following is not common irrigation system infrared system
What is one type of irrigation system? Hand-watering
The moisture tension in your plants should be below 5kPa. true
Which of the following are categorized as overhead irrigation systems (above foliage)? Sprinkler Systems b. Mist and Fog Systems c. Boom Systems
What is the key advantage of using drip irrigation system in a greenhouse? it maximizes water use efficiency by delivering water directly to plant roots
At what water tension should you let a substrate reach before re-watering? 5 KPa
The coefficient of uniformity is used to measure the uniformity of irrigation systems. true
What difficulty do we see in irrigation? frequently conflciting situations between water, nutrients, and oxygen
What is the recommended pipe diameter to maintain pressure above 30 psi in an on-site distribution system for an irrigation setup to achieve ideal uniformity? 2-inch diameter pipe
What is the purpose of filters in irrigation systems? to prevent clogs in pipes and emitters
Which is not an irrigation rule? Lift up pots to see if water fully drained each week
Which irrigation scheduling technique relies on measuring soil moisture levels to determine when to apply water to crops? Soil moisture-based scheduling
What is not a type of irrigation? fog
Which is NOT an irrigation rule?
Only use water with a pH of exactly 7
Which of these is an on-site distribution irrigation system? Injection system
Large irrigation pipes have more friction and therefore less irrigation uniformity. false
What changes do plants undergo underwatering?
shorter stems, stunted growth d. damage to young tissue
which of the following is NOT a purpose that irrigstion serves? stabize root structure
select all the irrigation methods uses within the greenhouse Capillary Mat b. Drip irigation c. Boom system d. Hand watering e. Mist and Fog syste
What is not a rule of irrigation? If your plants do become water stressed make sure to apply diluted fertilizer to add more water into the medium
what moisture tension in kPa is comfortable for plants? 1-5 kpa
What are the characteristics of hand watering as an irrigation system? It is not suitable for containers with limited space above the root zone.