Poultry – domesticated fowl, such as chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese, etc., raised for meat and eggs
Chicken – 2500 BC in Asia (Red Jungle Fowl
Turkey – 200 BC in South Western United States
Mallard Duck – 2500 BC in China
Geese – 1500 BC in Egypt
Muscovy Duck – 16th century AD in Peru
Quail – 11th century AD in Asia
1950’s – development of white egg layers using Single Comb White Leghorn (SCWL)
1960’s – brown egg layers were developed from Rhode Island Red x SCWL
Meattype – developed from Cornish x Plymouth White Rock
Inbreeding - Mating of closely related animals by descent
Closebreeding – siblings, parent to offspring
Line breeding – second degree (grandsiblings); halfsibs - descendants of outstanding ancestors
Ordinary inbreeding – mating of distantly related animals w/o regard to single favored ancestors
Out breeding – mating of unrelated animals
Upgrading – Native X Exotic breed
Out crossing – mating of unrelated animals of the same breed
Cross breeding – mating of different breeds (takes advantage of Hybrid Vigor
Cross breeding results HETEROSIS
HYBRID VIGOR – is a product of heterosis
Strain crossing – crossing two strains possessing similar productive traits
Line crossing – crossing of highly inbred lines
Pen mating – single male confined to mate with a group of females for the period of the breeding season
Stud mating – one is to one mating confined in individual pen of cages
Flock mating – two or more roosters go with prescribe number of hens in the pen
East-West direction to provide adequate protection against direct sunlight, strong wind and high temperature
Open Sided Housing - Long and narrow types of house, which are open on all sides, are preferred because they provide better ventilation and lighting
Controlled Environment - Inside conditions are maintained as near as possible to the bird’s optimum requirement
Slatted – slats are made of bamboo, wood, rattan or plastic
- slat size: 25-50 mm
- distance between slats: 25 mm
2. Slat-litter Floor - 2/3 slat and 1/3 litter - Generally for layers and breeder chickens
Litter type – uses rice hulls, straw, wood shavings, saw dusts. - thickness of litter must be 50-100 mm
Cage type - Wire or battery cages for layers
Artificial heat is required for the first two weeks of chicks life.
infra-red heater or gas brooder - The recommended source of heat in large scale operation
Cannibalism - An abnormal behavior in growing chicken manifested by continuous picking in the toes, wings and tail feathers resulting to serious wounds and may lead to death of other birds present in the flock.
Debeaking or beak trimming – performed within 10 days of age by cutting the upper beak with electric cutter and cauterized from one-third to one-half of its length starting form the tip
Point of Lay – age of the flock at first egg laid/dropped.
Laying period – considered to have started at 5-10% egg production. This period marks the flock population known as the Hen Housed.
Clutch – the number of egg laid by a hen in consecutive days without break
Persistency – ability of a flock to sustain high egg production.