basic fundamental skills

Cards (9)

  • serving The serve is the first contact in avolleyball game, and it's animportant opportunity to gain anadvantage over the opposing team.It is a skill that every player mustmaster as it’s the first move thatcan give your team momentumand shut down your opponent’smomentum.
  • SERVING There are different types of serves,such as the underhand serve, theoverhand serve, and the jump serve.Some more advanced servesinclude the floater and the topspin.No matter which type of serve youdecide to do, the key to a goodserve is accuracy and consistency,which requires practice to master.
  • passing Also known as the bump, is used toreceive the ball from the opposingteam's serve or hit. The goal of passingis to keep the ball in play and set up anoffensive play. To pass effectively, the player should get in position, keep their arms straight and feet parallel, extend their knees forward, and make contact with the ball using their forearms.
  • SETTING Setting or overhead passing isthe most important step in anoffensive play as it determineswhich player gets to spike orattack. This is normally done bythe team’s setter and is thesecond step in the pass-set-spike sequence.
  • Attacking, also known as hitting, is the final step in the pass-set-spike sequence and is used to score points. There are a variety of different ways to attack aball, but the most common and consistently effective way to do so is by spiking.
  • Cross-court spike: A cross-court spike is an attack that goes diagonally across the court, from one corner to the opposite corner. This type of spike is often used to avoid the opposing team's blockers andto target an open area of the court.
  • Tool spike: A tool spike is an attack that intentionally hits off the opposing team's blockers, deflecting the ball out of bounds. This type of spike is often used when the opposing team's blockers are positioned close to the net and the attacker has limited options.
  • Blocking is a defensive skill used to stop the opposing team's attack and can also be used to potentially score points.
  • Digging is a defensive skill used to save the ball from hitting the ground. It is often done when the ball does not come directly at the player, and a standard underhand pass would be impossible or extremely difficult to get.