
Cards (32)

  • ZPD
    An individual with greater knowledge can support a learner's growth by guiding them through tasks just beyond their current abilities
  • Stages of Skill Development
    ZPD: When a learner is in the ZPD for a specific task, offering appropriate guidance will help them accomplish the task. If the learner lacks experience, the instructor must provide additional support for mastery
  • Constructivist Theory by Jerome Bruner
    Focuses on learners constructing new ideas or concepts based on existing knowledge
  • Approaches for Language Arts Teaching
    • PUNGAN
  • Approaches for Language Arts Teaching
    • Socio-Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development by Lev Vygotsky
    • Language Scaffolding
  • Methods of Teaching Language
    1. Cooperative Language Learning
    2. Peer Support
    3. Group Work
    4. Co-research
    5. Group Presentation
    6. Role Play
    7. Inquiry-based Groups
    8. Positive Interdependence
    9. Competitive Group Work
    10. Expert Jigsaw Group Work
    11. Rotation Method
    12. Three-step Interview Method
    13. Round Robin Method
    14. Numbered Heads Together Method
    15. Pair Check (60-second Peer Review)
    16. Fishbowl Discussion Strategy
    17. Choose Your Own Adventure
    18. Group Investigation
    19. Think-write-pair-share
    20. Inner/Outer Circle (Speed Dating) Method
    21. Quiz-quiz-trade Method
    22. Reciprocal Teaching Method
    23. Escape Room Activities
    24. Peer Editing
    25. Team Scavenger Hunt
    26. Problem-based Learning
    27. Four Corners
  • Panglal
  • ZPD
    Zone of Proximal Development: Focuses on a student's ability to learn through the help of a more informed individual
  • How Language Scaffolding works in an educational setting
    The teacher models most of the work, gradually decreasing assistance until the student masters the content independently
  • Language Scaffolding
    Students benefit directly from social interactions in class and reach their learning potential with the help of their teacher
  • Paragraph Pass
  • Methods of Teaching Language
    • Abstract to Concrete or Concrete to Abstract
  • Gender of Nouns
    1. Panglalaki (masculine) - refers to males or male animals
    2. Pangbabaye (feminine) - refers to females or female animals
    3. Di katino o pangsagaran (indefinite or common) - refers to nouns that can be male or female
    4. Wayluhin (neuter) - refers to nouns without gender
  • Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

    When a learner is in the ZPD for a specific task, offering appropriate guidance will help the learner accomplish the task and reach the next stage of mastery
  • Approaches for Language Arts Teaching
    1. Panghulip
    2. Punglihok
    3. Pungway
    4. Pungan
    5. Pungwayon
    6. Pangdugtongan
  • Scaffolding in Education
    1. Method focusing on a student's ability to learn information through the help of a more informed individual
    2. Helps students understand educational content by working with an educator or someone with a better understanding
    3. Involves gradual withdrawal of support as the student gains competence and confidence
  • Constructivist Theory
    Theory proposed by Jerome Bruner
  • Communicative Language Teaching
    1. Method stressing interaction and communication to teach a second language effectively
    2. Involves students participating in everyday situations likely encountered in the target language
    3. Incorporates topics outside of conventional grammar to develop students' ability to respond in diverse situations
    4. Teachers act as facilitators to help students learn to communicate in the target language
  • Indefinite pronouns
  • Socio-Cultural Theory of Cognitive Development
    1. Theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky
    2. Language scaffolding helps students benefit from social interactions in class and reach their learning potential with the help of their teacher
    3. Focuses on stages of skill development and the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
  • TPR is often used with young students and beginners alongside other language learning methods
  • CBI better reflects the learning needs of second language learners
  • An example of CBI is teaching science or mathematics in English, where students focus on content while using English as the medium of instruction
  • Implementation methods
    • Cooperative Language Learning
    • Peer Support
    • Group Work
    • Co-research
    • Group Presentation
    • Role Play
    • Inquiry-based Groups
    • Positive Interdependence
    • Competitive Group Work
    • Expert Jigsaw Group Work
    • Rotation Method
    • Three-step Interview Method
    • Round Robin Method
    • Numbered Heads Together Method
    • Pair Check (60-second Peer Review)
    • Fishbowl Discussion Strategy
    • Choose Your Own Adventure
    • Group Investigation
    • Think-write-pair-share
    • Inner/Outer Circle (Speed Dating) Method
    • Quiz-quiz-trade Method
    • Reciprocal Teaching Method
    • Escape Room Activities
    • Peer Editing
    • Team Scavenger Hunt
    • Problem-based Learning
    • Four Corners
    • Act it Out
    • Total Physical Response (TPR)
  • Teaching process
    1. Begin with guided practice
    2. Provide direct instruction
    3. Model correct behavior
    4. Student as passive observer
  • TPR combines language and physical movements for active connection of meaning to the language and passive recognition of the language's structure
  • Total Physical Response (TPR)

    • Highlights aural comprehension by allowing the learner to respond to basic commands with physical movements for a comprehensive learning experience
  • CBI is similar to meaningful learning where language is used in the context of learning
  • In CBI, people are more successful in learning a second language when they use the language as a means of gaining information rather than an end
  • In CBI, students unconsciously learn the language while focusing on content they are interested in
  • Content-Based Instruction (CBI) is structured around the content and involves active participation of students in the exchange of content