The Commissioning and the responsibilities of the Apostles:
- Make disciples of all nations
- Baptizein thename of The Father, The Son, andTheHoly Spirit
- Teach all that Jesus has commanded
Pope – The leader of the Catholic Church
Cardinals – Leading the Bishops and members of the College of Cardinals
Archbishops – They oversee large areas of Churches called archdiocese
Bishops – Who hold the full sacrament of Holy Orders
Priests – A baptized man who has received the full sacrament of holy orders
Deacons – Ordained minister of the Catholic Church
Laity – the people
Wisdom - allows a person to understand things from God’s point of view
Understanding – Allows us to grasp, at least in a limited way, the very essence of the truths of the Catholic Faith
Counsel – Also known as the gift of right judgment, perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence
Fortitude – also known as the gift of courage, a person is no longer afraid to stand up for God and His truths
Knowledge – allows a person to understand the meaning and purpose God has for Him
Piety – the perfection of the virtue of religion, it takes that willingness beyond a sense of duty
Fear of the Lord – It puts God in the proper perspective
Love – Agape love is the highest form of love for God and neighbor.
Joy – An interior contentment that comes from being close to God and in the right relationship with others. It comes with speaking and upholding the truth
Peace – Harmony that occurs when justice prevails
Patience – Composure without complaint
Kindness – Is a warm and friendly disposition toward another
Generosity – It is bigheartedness grounded in an abundance mentality. It is unselfish and expresses itself in sharing
Faithfulness - Is demonstrated by loyalty to friends, duties performed, promises kept, commitments fulfilled
Gentleness – Is sensitivity for another person, and grounded in humility
Self- control – is self-mastery. It is to remain calm, cool, and collected