It is derived from cycles of systematic observation, experimentation and analysis and from human imagination and creativity.Scientificknowledge is subject to change.
what can applications of scientific knowledge cause?
it can bring about beneficial or harmfulconsequences
what is the nature of scientific knowledge?
scientific knowledge is reliable, durable, and open to change in light of new evidence
what to do when chemical can explode easily when heated?
what are the SI units for length, time, mass, and temperature
m, s, kg, K
what is a random error
a random error is causeddue to unpredictablevariations in the readingsofthemeasuringdevice and candifferfromhetruevalueineitherdirection
what is a systematic error?
a systematic error isonethatdiffersfromthetruevalueofmeasurementbyafixedamount and iscausedduetosome flaw inthe experimental apparatus or flawed experimentaltechnique
what are the similarities between random and systematic errror?
both cause differencesbetweenthetrue valueandthemeasured valueand both errors can bereducedbycontrolling the environmentinwhichthemeasurementsaretaken or byregular maintenanceoftheinstruments
what is qualitative data?
data that describecharacteristicsorqualities, such as colour, odour,ortexture, or data that describeacategoryfrequencyorratings.
what is quantitative data?
data that usenumberswithaunitofmeasurement
how is understanding the chemical composition of matter aplicable to our daily lives?
We need to understand the variouschemical composition of matter to be able to make informed choices in the materialsweuse or consume in everyday life
what is an element?
an element is thebasicbuilding blockofbothlivingandnon-livingmatter
What will happen when an element experiences chemical reactions?
Nothing as an element cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions
is sugar an element?
no, as it undergoes a chemical reaction upon heating and becomes a different substance
what are metalloids?
Metalloids display properties that are in between, or a mixture of, metal and non-metals. They
have fair electrical conductivity and are brittle. They also have a shinyappearancelikemetals.
what are the physical properties of metals?
Metals are shiny, have highmelting/boilingpoint,havegoodelectricalconductivity, and goodthermalconductivity
what does malleable mean?
materials which are malleable areabletobeshapedbyhammeringorbendingwithoutbreaking
what does ductile mean?
a material is ductile if it can be drawn into wires
what does brittle mean?
a material isbrittleifitbreaks easilywhenaforceisapplied
what does sonorous mean?
a sonorous material is able toproducearingingsoundwhenhit
how are the elements in the periodic table arrranged?
Elements are arranged byincreasingproton/atomicnumber
what are the characteristics of alkali metals?
they are the mostreactivemetalsintheperiodictable,andreactwithwateraggressively
what are the characteristics of noble gases?
they are the least reactiveelementsintheperiodic table
What are the characteristics of halogens?
They are the mostreactivenon-metals
How is a Bunsen flame produced?
A Bunsen flame is produced duringcombustion when fuelmixedwithoxygen is ignited and thus heat and lightareemitted
What is a parallax error?
Occurs due to incorrect positioning of eyes while taking a reading on the measuring scale
what are mixtures
mixtures are matter that comprise two or moreelements and/or compounds that are notchemicallycombined
what is a compound
a compound is a substance which consists of two or moreelements that are chemicallycombinedtogether
how are compounds formed
compounds are formed when elements combine via a chemical reaction
how can we tell that a chemical reaction had taken place
energy is exchanged with the environment when a compound is formed through a chemical reaction
what are different about compounds from their constituent elements
compounds have differentproperties from their constituentelements
how are the elements in a compound combined
the elements in a compound are always confined in a fixed proportion/ratio