
Cards (11)

  • Participants heard an argument and then saw a man run past holding a grease-covered pen (low anxiety) or a knife covered in blood (high anxiety). In the low anxiety situation, identification of the man was 49% accurate but only 33% in the high anxiety scenario.
  • Define Procedural Memory:
  • Goodwin (1969) researched ‘state dependent forgetting’. Participants had to learn a word list either drunk or sober. Recall of the words was best when they were drunk during both encoding and recall or sober during both encoding and recall.
  • List the components of the Cognitive Interview:
  • Scoville and Milner (1957) studied HM who had his hippocampus removed to treat his epilepsy. He was unable to form new LTMs but could form STMs.
  • List the two types of declarative memory:
  • Abernathy (1940) studied ‘context dependent forgetting’. Students were tested in different conditions: by their regular instructor in their usual teaching room/different one, or by a different instructor in usual teaching room/different one. Results were best when tested in their usual room by their usual instructor.
  • Cues in memory
    Triggers to a memory, such as the category a word belonged to or the room in which it was learned
  • Research on the effects of misleading information on EWT was conducted by Loftus and Palmer in 1974
  • Research related to retrieval failure
    1. Gave participants a list of 48 words from 12 different categories
    2. Recall was 40% accurate without retrieval cues
    3. Recall was 60% accurate when the category was given as a retrieval cue
  • Two types of declarative memory
    • Semantic Memory
    • Episodic Memory