Cards (8)

  • Biological waste categories : Category A (sharp wastes)
    • Sharp instruments such as syringes, needles, glass, scalpel and other sharp instruments that can cause injuries
    • Placed into a special bin for sharp material disposal. This bin does not need to be sterilised.
  • Category B(non-sharp wastes)
    • Biological solid waste such as gloves, tissue papers, petri dishes, plastic culture containers and hardened agar
    • Packed first in autoclave resistant biohazard plastic bags, sterilised in an autoclave for decontamination, and then placed into a biohazard bin. Biohazard plastic bags cannot be thrown into regular waste baskets.
  • Category C(animal carcases)
    • Animal carcases, organs and tissues
    • Wrapped carefully in absorbent material (such as tissue papers), packed carefully into a biohazard plastic bag and frozen.
  • Category D (liquids)
    • Broth culture and liquid medium such as blood
    • All biological liquid waste must be decontaminated by autoclaving before disposal. Sterilised biological liquid wastes must be disposed immediately.
  • Name this item. Biohazard plastic bag
  • Name this item. Sharp waste bin
  • Name this item. Biohazard bin
  • Name this item. Autoclave