Cards (5)

  • 22% of the UK's electricity comes from nuclear reactors, in which uranium atoms are split to produce heat. This process is known as fission
  • A vast amount of energy can be produced by nuclear fission from a relatively small amount of uranium. The energy produced as heat is used to convert water to superheated steam, which is the same way as other power stations, drives turbines connected to generators to generate electricity
  • The current set of nuclear power stations are expected to close by 2025 because they are getting old and reaching the end of their serviceable life. Several replacement nuclear power stations are planned
  • The cost of safely disposing of unused nuclear power stations is high, and there have been several well-publicised incidents at nuclear plants in Japan, Ukraine and the US which have resulted in nuclear material leaking
  • Nuclear waste is highly hazardous and can have long-lasting effects on the health of humans and animals for thousands of years if not dealt with carefully