
Cards (184)

  • ANSI stands for The American National Standards Institute
  • Alphanumeric Display
    Headings in an index that are arranged in alphanumeric order
  • Abstract
    A condensed representative surrogate knowledge record. A narrative description of a document, which may include pertinent data and critical context
  • Acronym
    An abbreviation that is often formed from letters within the word or phrase being abbreviated
  • Associative Retrieval Systems
    An information retrieval system in which the indexing is based on the frequency of the co-occurrence of terms as a method of grouping
  • ASI stands for American Society of Indexers
  • Automatic Indexing
    Using a computer to construct indexes
  • Author Indexes
    Indexes arranged on the basis of the authors of the documents. Alphabetical lists of the authors of documents in a file
  • Assignment Indexing
    Humans or computers assign index terms to represent the aboutness of a topic in a document. The terms may or may not actually appear in the text
  • Added Entry
    In a catalog, an entry that is in addition to the main entry. A secondary entry that allows the user to find the information with a different approach
  • Alternative Title
    The second part of a title that is joined by a connective word such as "or" (e.g., Raising the roof or How to Build Your Own House)
  • Abstractor
    The person who creates an abstract. This may be the author of the original paper, a subject expert, or a professional abstractor
  • Authority List
    A formal list of terms to be used in cataloging indexing. The use of terms not in the authorized list is prohibited
  • Author Abstracts
    Abstracts that are written by the authors of the original papers
  • Arrangement
    Consistent ordering of entries in an index, usually alphabetical
  • Bibliographic Control
    The intellectual and public knowledge. More specifically, the process necessary to generate and control records of materials in libraries and other information systems for effective retrieval
  • Alphabetic Subject Indexes
    Indexes arranged in alphabetical order, containing important words that denote subjects of interest
  • Artificial Intelligence
    An area of study that attempts to program computers to emulate human reasoning
  • Access Point
    An entry in an index in which a user's chosen word matches a word in the index, giving the user a starting point in the search
  • Aboutness
    The aboutness of a document goes beyond explicit words in the text to a higher level of meaning
  • Analytical Entry
    An entry for a part of an item for which a comprehensive entry has already been made
  • Associate Relationship
    A relationship among terms that shows non-hierarchical relationships. Also called related terms
  • Bibliographic Coupling
    The Citation of two or more documents in a third one
  • Automatic Abstracting
    Using a computer to construct abstracts
  • Author Affiliation
    The organization to which the author is attached
  • Citation Order
    The order in which facets are arranged or cited in a classified sequence of terms, headings, or entries
  • Clustering
    The automatic grouping of documents in an information retrieval file or the grouping of terms in thesaurus construction
  • Bibliographic Control
    The intellectual process necessary to generate and maintain records of materials in libraries and other information systems for effective access
  • Bound Terms
    Index terms that are joined together and treated as a single concept. For example, "artificial" and "intelligence" form the concept "artificial intelligence"
  • Cataloging
    The preparation and maintenance of entries in a catalog
  • Client
    In a network system (e.g., the Web), the receiving end of the information retrieval procedure
  • Boolean Operators
    Connectives used to combine terms for searching in post-coordinate indexing e.g., AND, OR, and NOT
  • Closed-end Index
    An index published only once and not continued over time
  • Collective Title
    A title that Is an inclusive title for an item containing several works.
  • Boolean Searching
    The procedure of identifying Information on a yes or no binary basis. If yes, user's reques term is same as an index term.
  • Colon Classification
    An analytic synthetic classification system developed by S. R. Ranganathan in 1933, where colons separate facets
  • Class
    A set whose members share an attribute, characteristic property, quality, or trait
  • Book indexes
    • Indexes to the content of individual monograph publications. They usually appear at the end of the book, are alphabetical, and include subjects and name terms
  • Chain Indexes

    • Alphabetically arranged indexes with a separate entry for each term or a link for all terms used in a classification or subject-heading scheme
  • Citation Indexes
    • A citation index leads users to papers by citations rather than by content. The entries in a citation index are the names of authors of earlier works on a subject, guiding users to desired information