Wordprocessing refers to the creation, editing, formatting, and printing of documents using a computerprogram designed for this purpose
The purpose of wordprocessing is to facilitate the efficientcreation, modification, and presentation of text-based documents such as letters, reports, memos, and manuscripts.
Wordprocessingapplications are softwareprograms like MicrosoftWord, GoogleDocs, or LibreOfficeWriter, used to create and manipulate text documents.
Formatting in wordprocessinginvolves adjusting the appearance of text and documentlayout to improve readability and presentation. This includes changingfonttypes and sizes, applyingbold or italics, settingmargins, and aligningtext.
Mailmerge is a feature in word processing applications that allowsusers to create a batch of documents, such as letters or labels, that are personalised for eachrecipient. It involves combining a standard template with a datasourcecontaining individual information. Without the need of retyping
In mail merge, there are 3 documents:
Tables in wordprocessing are used to organisedata into rows and columns, making it easier to read and analyse.
Tables are used for various purposes, including
comparison charts
Justification in wordprocessing refers to the alignment of text within a document.
WordProcessingapplications offer features such as spell check, grammarcheck, and the ability to insertimages and tables.
Left Justification: Aligns text to the leftmargin
Right Justification: Aligns text to the right margin.
Center Justification: Centers text between the left and right margins
Justify: Aligns text evenly along both the left and right margins, creating a clean look for block paragraphs.
a section of the document that appears at the top of eachpage
a section of the document that appears at the bottom of eachpage
a reference, explanation, or comment placed at the end of a document or a section of a document
a note placed at the bottom of a page in a document
a note placed at the bottom of a page in a document
Headers can contain:
the documenttitle
Footers can contain:
page numbers
Endnotes are used to provide additional information or citations without cluttering the main text.
Footnotes provide supplementary information or citations relevant to the text on that page.
Footnotes are indicated by superscript numbers or symbols in the main text.
Footnotes appear at the end of a page. Endnotes appear at the end of a document