Chapter 4: Circulation

Cards (38)

  • What are the main parts of the circulatory system?
    Blood vessels, heart, and blood
  • What is the function of blood vessels?
    They carry blood around the body
  • What is the role of the heart in the circulatory system?
    It pumps blood around the body
  • What does blood transport in the body?
    Substances around the body
  • Describe the pathway of deoxygenated blood through the heart.
    Vena cava β†’ right atrium β†’ right ventricle β†’ pulmonary artery
  • How does oxygenated blood return to the heart?
    By the pulmonary veins into the left atrium
  • What is double circulation?
    Two transport systems for blood in the body
  • What does the first transport system in double circulation do?
    Carries blood from heart to lungs and back
  • What is the role of pacemakers in the heart?
    Control the resting heart rate
  • What do pacemakers send to the heart?
    Electrical impulses from atrium to ventricle
  • What is an artificial pacemaker?
    An electrical device correcting heart irregularities
  • What is the function of an artificial heart?
    Pumps blood using air pressure
  • Why might an artificial heart be used?
    To keep patients alive while waiting for a transplant
  • What are the risks associated with artificial hearts?
    Scar tissue and clotting development
  • What are the three types of blood vessels?
    Arteries, veins, and capillaries
  • What is the function of arteries?
    Carry blood from heart to organs
  • Describe the structure of arteries.
    Thick walls, narrow lumen, no valves
  • What is the function of veins?
    Carry blood from organs to heart
  • Describe the structure of veins.
    Thin walls, large elastic lumen, has valves
  • What is the function of capillaries?
    Facilitate gas exchange
  • Describe the structure of capillaries.
    Thin walls, narrow lumen, no valves
  • What is coronary heart disease?
    Fatty deposits in coronary arteries
  • What is a stent?
    A metal mesh to keep arteries open
  • What is a coronary bypass graft?
    Attaching a blood vessel to bypass blockage
  • What happens to faulty valves?
    They may stiffen or develop leaks
  • What are biological valves?
    Valves from humans or other mammals
  • What are mechanical valves?
    Valves made from materials like titanium
  • What is plasma's role in blood?
    Transport medium
  • What are platelets?
    Small fragments of cells for clotting
  • What do red blood cells transport?
    Oxygen for aerobic respiration
  • What are the two types of white blood cells?
    Lymphocytes and phagocytes
  • What is a pathogen?
    A disease-causing microorganism
  • What is a transmissible disease?
    A disease passed from host to host
  • What is an antigen?
    A protein on the surface of a cell
  • What is an antibody?
    Attaches to foreign antigens to destroy them
  • What are the two types of antigens?
    Antigen A and Antigen B
  • Why is blood typing before transfusion vital?
    Errors can be fatal due to immune response
  • What is an immunosuppressant drug?
    Suppresses the immune system to prevent rejection