Cards (52)

  • the target tissues of parathyroid hormone are the bone and kidney
  • parathyroid hormone action:
    • essential for regulation of blood Ca levels
    • increases vitamin D formation through effects on receptors of renal tubule cells in the kidneys. thus, stimulates increased Ca absorption
    • binds to receptors of osteoblast so that in turn, osteoblasts secrete substances that stimulate osteoclast (break down old bone cells to create new bone cells through osteoblast)
  • deficiency of parathyroid hormone causes hypoparathyroidism
  • excess of parathyroid hormone causes hyperparathyroidism
  • thyroid gland hormones: thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) and calcitonin
  • adrenal medulla hormones: epinephrine and norepinephrine
  • target tissues of epi and norepi: heart, blood vessels, liver, adipocytes
  • epi and norepi action:
    • increases cardiac output; increased blood flow to skeletal muscles and heart
    • increases release of glucose and fatty acids into blood
  • in general, epi and norepi prepares the body for physical activity
  • adrenal cortex hormones: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, adrenal androgens
  • mineralocorticoids are also called aldosterone
  • the target tissues of mineralocorticoids are the kidneys, intestine, and sweat glands
  • adrenal cortex hormones: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, adrenal androgens
  • the target tissues of mineralocorticoids are the kidneys, intestine, and sweat glands
  • mineralocorticoids action:
    • returns blood pressure to its normal range through modulation of kidney function
    • increase rate of Na transport into the body
    • increase rate of K excretion in the urine
    • secondarily favor water retention
  • deficiency of mineralocorticoids causes hyperaldosteronism (hypernatremia)
  • excess of mineralocorticoids causes hypoaldosteronism (hyperkalemia)
  • glucocorticoids is also called cortisol
  • the target tissues of cortisol are most tissues (liver, fat, skeletal muscles, immune tissues)
  • glucocorticoids action:
    • increase lipid and protein breakdown
    • increase glucose synthesis from amino acids
    • increase blood nutrient levels
    • inhibit inflammation and immune response
  • excess of cortisol causes Cushing's syndrome
  • adrenal androgens target most tissues
  • adrenal androgens action in male:
    • stimulate secondary sex characteristics
  • adrenal androgens action in females:
    • increase female sexual drive, growth of pubic and axillary hair
  • pancreas hormones: insulin and glucagon
  • the target tissues of insulin are skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and especially the liver
  • insulin action:
    • increases uptake and use of glucose and amino acids
  • elevated blood glucose stimulate beta cells to secrete insulin
  • the inability to regulate blood glucose levels within normal range is diabetes mellitus
  • diabetes mellitus has 2 types: type 1 (IDDM) & type 2 (NIDDM)
  • IDDM: insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • NIDDM: non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • the target tissue of glucagon is the liver
  • glucagon action:
    • increases breakdown of glycogen and release of glucose into circulatory system
  • management of diabetes mellitus:
    • avoid sugary food and drinks
    • exercise
    • monitor FBS and HbA1c levels
    • monitor CBS at home, if necessary
    • religiously drink medicine
  • FBS: fasting blood sugar
  • HbA1c: glycated haemoglobin
  • testosterone is the main reproductive hormone in males
  • the target tissue of testosterone is most tissues
  • testosterone action:
    • aids in sperm cell production
    • maintenance of functional reproductive organs, secondary sex characteristics, and sexual behavior