Cards (15)

  • Referred pain
    Felt in a part of the body that is considerably removed or far from the tissues causing the pain
  • Pain perception
    The point which the person becomes aware of the pain
  • Hyperalgesia
    Excessive sensitivity to pain
  • Nociceptive pain
    Pain directly related to tissue damage and may be somatic
  • Bradykinin
    Universal stimulus for pain
  • Severe pain
    An emergency situation deserving attention and professional treatment
  • Pain tolerance
    Maximum amount and duration of pain that an individual is willing to endure
  • Radiating pain
    Perceived at the source of the pain and extends to the nearby tissues
  • Breakthrough pain
    A transitory increase in pain that occurs on a background of otherwise controlled persistent pain
  • Sensitization
    Increased sensitivity of a receptor after repeated activation by noxious stimuli or nociceptor
  • Dysesthesia
    Unpleasant abnormal sensation, imitates the pathology of central neuropathic pain disorder
  • Comfort
    Renewal amplification of power
  • Allodynia
    Pain due to a stimulus that does not normally provoke pain
  • Persistent pain
    A pain that contributes to insomnia, weight gain, constipation, etc.
  • Pain threshold/sensation
    The amount of pain stimulation a person requires before feeling pain (least level of pain that the patient is able to detect)