Chemistry Exam (Student book )

Cards (19)

  • On average each person in Europe causes the production of 5 tonnes of waste each year
  • Over Half of the rubbish ends up in landfill
  • we need to recycle more of Our wastes , to save sources and energy
  • All matter , wastes come in different states that have different properties
  • Solid are easiest to dispose of in landfill sites , as they stay in one place
  • Hazard = Corrosive , flammable and toxic
  • In general , solids do not flow or change their shape
  • solid waste = metal , paper and plastic
  • Volume = the amount of space that is take , and can be measured in cubic centimetre ( cm³ )
  • Liquid can change their shape and flow , so liquid take the shape of their container
  • Physical properties of gas = shape , volume and direction
  • Many waste gas are released directly into the atmosphere where they can caurse harm to environment
  • Density is the mass of a certain Volume of material , it is measured in units such as Kilogram per cubic centimetre
  • Particle theory :
    • All matter is made up of tiny particles
    • The particles are moving all the time
    • There are forces of attractions holding the particles together
    • the forces vary in strength in the different states of matter
  • solid
    • particles are held CIosly together
    • by Strong force of attractions
    • The particles are moved in vibrate
  • Liquid
    • particles are held closly together
    • by fairy strong force attraction
    • move past each other
  • Gas
    • particles are far apart from each other
    • by weak force of attraction
    • move in all Directions
  • Since the solute particles are so spread out , you can then see through the solution
  • I nanometer = 0.000000001 m