Young and Willmott - Roles within couples

Cards (2)

  • Young and Wilmott carried out research in a deprived working class area in London called Bethnal Green. They interviewed the members of the family and added to their notes through observations. In 1957, they found that the instrumental and expressive roles were present, the couple lived separate lives where the man went out to work, brought home the money, and socialised with other male friends. the women looked after the children, did the housework and socialised with female friends and neighbours.
  • When they revisited in 1976, they found the relationship had changed. Now both the man and the woman were working, shared the household chores and the childcare, and socialised together. Young and Wilmott called this the March of Progress. Society was changing fast and traditional gender roles were changing with it. The family was now becoming more equal - Young and Wilmott called this the symmetrical family.