Domestic Violence

Cards (7)

    • In England and Wales there are, in any one year, 13 million separate incidents of physical violence or threats of violence against women from partners or former partners. (Walby and Allen)
    • Women constitute 89% of all those who have experienced 4 or more incidents of domestic violence. (Walby and Allen)
    • 54% of UK rapes are committed by a woman's current or former partner. (Walby and Allen)
    • On average 2 women a week are killed by a male partner or former partner. (Povey)
  • This 'dark side of family life' can be cited as an example of continued patriarchy. Men who are violent towards female partners often abuse their children too, physically, sexually or mentally.
  • AO3
    There is considerable evidence of female violence against male partners, especially by women suffering from pre-menstrual tension, but men are often unwilling to report this.
  • AO3
    Lyndon disputed men's violent image and dominant role, arguing that women are now favoured in many ways, for example in custody battles after divorce. However, the solution for both sexes is cooperation. Society should allow parents to work half a week each while their children are young so they can both bond with the child, share the domestic roles and neither will have to take a career break.