Mandatory education, chocolates as tributes to gods, anti spamodic medication (spams), chinampas (canals), aztec calendar, canoe, military force
civilization that lasted 2000 years, chocolate beans currency
Stone roads, stone buildings, irrigation system, quipu (book keeping), mita system (labor service)
Middle East
The arabs applied the romans principles and improve the watermill known as noria
The Middle East is known for their machine designed and improvement for irrigation, industrial work and war. The windmill and watermill are used for crushing sugarcanes, grinding grain, and pumping water.
Ibnal Haytham
Father of Optics
Jabir Ibn Hayyan
Father of Chemistry
Ibn Sina
Pioneer Experimental Medicine
Metallurgical works (iron and iron steel), medicine, astronomy, mathematics
known for the production of kola nuts and coffee in ethiopia.
Kola Nuts
stimulants mostly found in west africa and is the basis of the popular cola drink
Africa used plants with salicylic acid for pain (aspirin) and for diarrhea (kaopectate)
Asian Revoltion
Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture and herbal medicine were practice