Subdecks (1)

Cards (22)

  • Who were the Reichsrat
    Made up of 1 prince as a representative for each of the 26 German states, they could veto legislation passed by the Reichstag
  • Who were the Reichstag
    Elected by universal male suffrage (voting age 25) & the Kaiser could summon or dismiss the group
  • Role of the Chancellor/Ministers
    Appointed by the Kaiser and proposed legislation to the Reichstag
  • What did people want from the second reich
    Unification of all German states
  • What did Industrialisation do to the Second Reich
    • Created a powerful economy
    • Industrialisation created a wealthy middle class and discontented working class
    • Industrialists saw future prosperity in the Kaiser’s rule 
    • Workers formed trade unions and voted for the SPD 
    • This conflict lead to a divided nation and a crisis in politics
  • What were the values of the Second Reich
    • Nationalism 
    • Unification of a Greater Germany
    • Democratic 
    • Powerful economy (industrialisation)
    • Social Darwinism
  • What is Social Darwinism
    • Survival of the fittest 
    • ‘Biological need for war’ to kill the weak
    • Humanitarianism (helping the weak) is going against evolution 
    • Genocide against Namibia tribes because of their race, committed experiments and eugenics on them
    • Hitler was obsessed with social Darwinism and the ‘Aryan’ race
  • German views of the War
    • Initial support to Kaiser (Germany was a victim of Allied encirclement)
    • Hindenburg and Ludendorff influenced military decisions of the Kaiser 
    • German support for war declined in later years through depressions and strikes 
    • 1917, Kiel Mutiny (refusal of suicide mission)
    • 1918, 400,000 Berliners go on strike
  • Positives of the political structure in the early 20th century
    • Proportional representation
    • Written constitution
    • Men over 25 & working class could vote 
    • Reichstag could deliberate laws
  • Negatives of the political structure in the early 20th century
    • Kaiser chose ministers and the chancellor (non-democratic)
    • Women could not vote 
    • Kaiser had power over the Reichstag
  • What was society like in the early 20th century
    • Emerging stronger socialist movement 
    • Increasingly divided nation 
    • Dominated by the conservative elite (nationalism)
    • Anti-catholic and anti-socialist
    • Social Darwinian and Racist